155: You always thought I was a know it all.

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Part 2

"So we're alone, huh?"

Barfbag sneered at Gelatin, anything but afraid despite his attempts to present himself as threatening. He stared her down, not moving his gaze from hers. She could see the need for justice in his glare, she knew exactly what he wanted.. to kill her. Not if she had her way, though. She had one of Leafys knifes in her hand, her fingers wrapped tightly around the handle. Seeing him there didn't make her feel afraid, it made her feel even more willing to kill him.

Their fight had kind of escalated, well, sort of her fight. She had been fighting others and this lead to going into the base. Eventually Gelatin joined in and told the others to leave. He had to chase her up the stairs of the base, and when she was met with a dead end she smashed open the doors to the roof, not that this took her anywhere better. Now the two were on the roof, alone. Gelatin could hear the group faintly, fighting the others below. But.. he needed to deal with HER. This was his call.

"You know, Gelatin, I'm pretty impressed you managed to survive this whole time. How did you do it, you know? How did you hide those powers for so long? Maybe because you never used them?" She hummed, supposing so. "Maybe that's what lead to the death of Donut, too, because you never used them. We could be in a much different place right now if you had just pulled yourself together." She mocked harshly, gritting her teeth at the last word.

He continued to glare at her. Of course he didn't want Donuts name in her mouth..but her words didn't phase him.. he didn't care about what she thought. He glared, her laughing.

"Are you gonna say anything? Do you not like it when I talk about Donut?" She cooed. "Yeah, well, he was FUCKING useless. That's exactly why he's DEAD. Four made the wrong call giving his powers to Donut."

Gelatin didn't move.. she didn't know a thing about Four. She had no idea how fucking stupid she was. He grit his teeth inside his mouth, his hand still powered up. She kept talking.

"You know, Gelatin.." she stepped a little closer, enjoying the quietness and privacy they had. She felt the breeze blow at her from behind, it stronger because of how high up they were. He watched her carefully, focusing on her every move to make sure she didn't attack. He didn't speak, not giving her his time. He was sick of her, and knew he could kill her easily up here. She knew that, too, which was probably why she was speaking.

"I was the one that made Donut hurt himself, you know." She lowly growled, those words like knives coming off her tongue. Gelatin tensed, though..he had a feeling it had something to do with her.

"I made him think that you hated him.. and he trusted me. I gave him the knife.. and you know what? He trusted me.. he LISTENED. And I watched.. and I fed him words.. and he cried.." she nastily snarled, wanting to make him crack. She could see him struggling with the things she said. This made her grin more, a smile curling.

"And now.. he's DEAD." She spat. "I bet you regret it now, don't you? Do you regret those times where you took your time with him for granted? Because you've changed, Gelatin. Now he's gone, there's nobody around to make you smile anymore, is there?"

He suddenly lunged at her, grabbing her tightly with his hand and gripping her upper arm, digging his fingers in. He looked angry, staring into her eyes with a hateful and threatening look. There was nothing to say.. he could say all the hateful things in his mind he wanted to tell her, scream at her and hurt her relentlessly for the things she had done. Even now, he was learning more about her. But .. he couldn't think of anything he wanted to say to her.. not specifically. He grit his teeth, digging harder into her arm. She didn't look bothered.

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