13: Friends or foes.

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"I FOUND IT!!" Golfball inturupted the others as they were resting calmly under the arch, having to put up with the rain and not only that, the dread of having lost one of their members - kinda.

"What..?" 8-ball looked up at her, the mud had been cleaned off by Lollipop, thankfully "What do you mean.."

Golfball had taken a chance to run off on her own and go try to find something that could help them or maybe just herself but you know... whilst she had been venturing she found something interesting..

Finally.. an underground lab. One of her own, that was. She was sure if they made it inside it would be supplied with helpful things..she couldn't wait to get inside it and finally make what she had been wanting to make.

"A lab!" She proudly smirked, looking at them all smugly "What do you have to say to me now?"

Jr clenched his fist in anger, looking up from where he had sat, the patch of grass burned around him.. "Fanny is still injured..!"

"Well thats no problem! We can fix her up or whatever when we get to my lab!" She shouted back, before regaining her posture.

"Enough of this. Everyone up, we're walking again.." the rain had calmed down a little, so they could probably get there once it started again.

They all groaned in response, Lightning floating up tiredly "I'm so worn.." he mumbled, rubbing his eyes, fatigued.

Lollipop groaned and brushed herself off, glancing down at Fanny "How are we supposed to transport her if none of us can touch her without getting shocked?"

Golfball pondered "Mmm, drag her by the leg" she sneered a bit "Now hurry people! No more lounging around!"

She went to begin to walk in the direction she came, the others having no choice but to stand grudgingly; hungry and exhausted.

They had food a short while ago but that didn't sooth the feeling for long.

They hauled themselves up, grunting and groaning "This better be worth it.." Jr grumbled, frustrated. He went to hop onto Bomby, who nodded in response "..I hope so.."

Lollipop glanced at Fanny, squinting as she grabbed her leg and began to drag her "Sorry for this.." she sighed to herself, glancing at Gb "Is this really the most efficient way?"

"Do you want to get electrocuted?"

Lightning watched them anxiously, looking back up as the others were making their way out from the arch and to where Golfball had suggested. He hesitated a little, averting his eyes to the side.

Something seemed off but he couldn't tell. He wished he could..

He went to follow, glancing at the others as they were following. Jr and Bomby were muttering to eachother and it was unclear on what they were saying. He peeked at 8-ball, floating over to him "You okayy-?" He awkwardly questioned.

8-ball was a bit stunned that he had came to talk to him, but didn't show that on his blank, empty expression. "I'm fine.."

"Like, how fine?"


He played with his arms as they kept silently walking, biting his lip as the only thing they could all hear was the murmuring of the other two. He inspected the area around, before looking back at 8-ball.. ".. I-Its a good thing that we have shelter now, right?"

He really hoped that they would be able to help Fanny. She looked extremely injured by the rain..so he hoped and prayed she would recover from the effects.

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