2: Nightime in the building.

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Nightime. They would get 8 hours of sleep, and have to be up at 6 in the morning straight. It was a common routine they had had to get used to, in order for everything to work.

Two had finished writing the last person down on his paper, smiling to himself as he ended it with a dot, reading over the list as he put the pen down, letting it roll across the desk.

So, he worked out that they had killed Dora, David, Spongy, Teardrop, Taco, Ruby, Flower, Remote, Bubble, Match, Pencil, Bottle, Eggy, Grassy, Foldy, Rocky and Icecube.. over the course of the war..

So.. if they had killed those guys, and the others were on his side, that means he was after..

17.... 17 of them.

That ..17 was.... Bomby, Blocky, Cake, Firey, Pen, Blackhole, Woody, Snowball, Saw, Book, 8-ball, Golfball, Firey jr, Lightning, Lollipop, Pillow and Fanny.. those 17 was who he was after. Those 17 had to be found and killed. They had to be killed painfully..

Well.. he could use Lightning to zap anyone he wanted.. he might keep that in mind.. and Blackhole may be useful, Snowball could be strong.. and Golfball was smart..

Either way.. he'd work it out. He'd find them. It was a matter of time before they had to turn up..

He didn't even know if they were actually all alive.. but he knew his team had definitely not killed them ..yet..

He put the paper down, sighing and leaning back into his chair. Days seemed to be going by slowly lately, and he hated being slow.

He should get some rest anyways.


"Still don't know how you manage to stand there all day.. you kinda look like a dork.." Gelatin grinned at Donut, who was taking off his bowtie, looking in the mirror that was at his desk inside his room. He turned to Gelatin and rolled his eyes "Oh, hush up.."

".. Don't you get bored? I'd get bored"

They were both in Donuts dorm, planning to spend the night together. He was fairly tired though, not planning on staying up long with the other.. he hadn't exactly done anything that would make him tired.. but he was emotionally drained and couldn't wait to rest.

He looked back at the mirror, gazing at himself infront of it, observing his own fetaures. He placed the red bowtie on the desk, sighing softly. He .. hated this so much.. he hated being brought down to such a level. He looked back over at Gelatin "Stop jumping on my bed!"

He grinned, standing still on it. "You're so moody, I bet its because you hang out with freak Coiny all day.." he chuckled, Donut groaning ".. I'm just tired.."

"Why? Its not like you even did anything ." He collapsed and led back on the soft sheets, out stretching his arm as he gazed up at the ceiling. At least their rooms were all in actual good conditions. Donut shrugged "I-i know.. just.. emotionally.. I suppose"

Gelatin raised an eyebrow, not replying. He was pretty drained himself, really. The only point of his existence in that place was being able to decipher whatever Roboty had to say. Donut noticed his silence, going to sit on the bed

He felt the bedsheets with his hand, gazing at Gelatin with a sigh ".. Things.. really have come to this.."

Gelatin shrugged "Suppose so. Guess we gotta just deal with it if we wanna live huh?" He looked over at the other.

Donut hesitated ".. I-its still wrong.." he muttered, going to lie down as well. Gelatin watched as he did, raising an eyebrow "You think??" He said sarcastically

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