88: Face it, you're the one to blame.

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Tennisball and Basketball had both been instructed by Two to meet them, which was a little surprising given that the pair had only talked to them yesterday. What could they want? Surely they wouldn't expect the bands to be created just yet? Tennisball hadn't given the blueprints to Two yet, he had planned to soon, did he leave it for too long? He didn't think Two would be annoyed that they hadn't received the blueprints already.. but he was beginning to doubt himself.

Two had told them that they needed to create the bands only yesterday. It was late morning currently, were they really that impatient? There was a small part of Basketball that hoped that they were going to call the whole band thing off, and figure out another way to handle things. Surely anything would be better than electric shock bracelets..

Tennisball had been the one to get Basketball from her room, because he was the one that heard the news first. She of course followed him, leaving Snowball in as the two made their way to where Twos office was located. Tennisball felt sick, a feeling of anxiety bothering him continuously. Basketball didn't feel as worried, but she definitely felt somewhat on edge.

"Mm.. do you think this is about what they asked?" She quietly contemplated, keeping her voice down. She didn't want anyone to hear her on the cameras or anything, and leak the information. Two wouldn't be happy about that.. Tennnsiabll wasn't sure, looking to the ground to watch his feet as he walked.

"Wh-Whatever it is, it's obviously important. When Gelatin was informing me about how Two needed to speak with us, he told me Two uh, didn't seem so happy." He admitted, before lowering his voice "..D-Do.. you think it's .."

She waited for more, but he didn't finish. She caught on to what he was referring to, Snowball. "Wh-..What? I mean, it's possible but.. I don't think so." She mumbled back, but was kind of lying to herself. "..Anyways, I think they'd make a bigger deal out of it."

"Hm.." Tennisball didn't reply with anything else, but she could tell he wasn't sure. She didn't blame him, because truthfully she too wasn't sure if she believed herself either. It could very well be about Snowball, but she would just have to find out.

She hated how secretive Two was all the time, as well as vague. It drove her crazy not being able to know what they wanted from her constantly. Actually, it was fairly annoying.

The two walked down the corridor which lead to Twos office, hesitant and weary for what was to come. Tennisball tried hard to swallow his nerves but it was difficult. Basketball noticed his anxiousness and pat his back in an attempt to comfort him. Only then did she really notice how different the material from Pillow felt compared to his own. She took her hand away.

"Here goes nothing.." She reluctantly walked in front of him, exhaling before bringing up her leg and gently pushing the door open with a mild kick, peering inside as did Tb. Two was in there, their hands clasped together with their elbows leaning on their desk They looked like they had been waiting. "Basketball! Tennisball! Finally! Take a seat, would you? I need to urgently talk to you about some new information I've just received.."

Basketball gave a subtle glance to Tb, before going ahead and walking into the daunting room first. She never liked this place.. just something about it made her shiver. She let TennisBall trail behind her as she reached the chairs, propping herself up onto one as she observed Two wearily. Two seemed to have a big and bright smile.. Gelatin wouldn't lie for no good reason, he said they had been in a bad mood previously so ..why were they all happy now?

Tennisball sat down also, but Basketball could tell that he too had his suspicions about Twos change in behaviour. It was actually kind of unsettling. "Thank you both for coming. I know you're probably busy with all the bands and stuff soo.."

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