115: Good for some, not for all.

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Lightning made a horrific discovery on his way down to the basement.

He had travelled down to the basement where Pin was after gathering food and.. didn't know if he would ever be able from what he saw. He immediately backed out of the basement upon arrival, more than instantly filled with dread and sickness over the sight of Pin. He didn't take it all in, and had already blanked out half of the memory on his way up the stairs to rush to the other two, but he knew exactly what had occured there that day.

She had been shot.. by herself or someone else but she had been shot.. he.. had been too late to save her and help her escape that prison.

It was an unpleasant scene. He had dropped the food he gathered in a bag in the moment of shock, so had nothing to return with, however was the least of his worries. He rushed along to Trees room while panting, opening the door by swinging it open and slamming it behind himself once he was inside. He pressed his back up against the wall with his tense body, his breath hitching as he was pretty sure he was having some sort of panic attack.

Tree had just finished packing some useful items that he had collected from weaponry, not turning over to Lightning as his back was facing him, kneeling on the ground by the bag. Gaty had gone to her own room to look for anything she wanted to take, she didn't own much but she just wanted to make sure anyways. Tree had been left alone in this time period, humming as Lightning had entered.

"Back so soon? You do have enough food, don't you?" Tree didn't turn to him, placing one last thing into the duffle bag. He turned around and the first thing he noticed was that he had nothing in his hands, squinting in frustration. "Where is.."

It took him a moment to process the stability of Lightning as he trailed off, before he realised that he was panicking. He uncrossed his arms and quickly walked over, his eyes widening. "Are you okay..? What on earth happened to you?-" he put out his hand to grab his shoulder, but Lightning backed up in stress before he could touch him.

"D-Don't-" he blurted, breathing heavy. "Y-You'll get shocked because I'm stressed- I-..Im sorry- I.." he tried to take a deep breath and gather himself together, but the more he thought about it the more upset it made him.

"What? Don't apologise-" Tree was a little confused on why he was so scared and upset. "Did anything happen? Talk to me.." he was concerned.

Lightning cut straight to the point. "I-I thought that.. we could try and ..s-save Pin cuz she was left behind during that raid..a-and... shes been SHOT Tree!" He cried, outstretching his arms. He moved them back down and put a hand to his mouth in worry, looking around as he tried to figure out what to do. What would he say to the others..? Why was she dead..? Why did it seem like an attack..? If Two wanted to do kill her would they have done it like that? If only she had been saved at the risk.. would it had been different? Would a different prisoner have been shot? WHY had she been shot???

Tree put a hand on his head. "E..Excuse me?" He didn't quite catch that.. although he did. Did he hear him right? "Pin.. was..shot?" He repeated unsteadily.

He stepped back for a moment. "But.. who would do that?? Does.. does Two even know? Oh, I.. I-I don't know what to say. This.. doesn't make sense." He looked back at Lightning, who was still stressing really bad about all of this. He looked guilty..did he blame himself? He wanted to save her.. but didn't get the chance

"L-Lightning- this isn't your fault..-"

"But.. she was OKAY yesterday!" He whined, putting his hands on his head. "Why now.. why did this happen now..? Why was I too late? Ugh! I'm so stupid!" He sniffed, trying to prevent crying because it would hurt.

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