1: The start.

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The doors of Twos office swung open, Coiny and Donut both looking over at who had decided to disrupt their leader.

Two was leaning on the desk, raising an eyebrow as someone opened his doors, wondering what they wanted. He had been busy writing down who they had managed to kill, and who they were looking for next.

"Was knocking not an option?"

The room was an office, Twos office of course. It was part of the huge building he had created for them all to stay in. The walls were painted dark green, and either side of him was Coiny and Donut, his back up leaders.. right hand men.. he trusted them the most, they were the highest peak of authority, excluding himself.

Barfbag stood on the other side of the door, laughing nervously "Sorry to barge in like this...erm.. sir.. but we've had a notice from the watch tower that we've seem someone close by..."

He sat up quickly, checking the clock that had been hung up on the wall to the side of him. It was 8:35.. pm that must be. That meant it was Robotys shift ".. Of course. Can we get the translator on that?"

She nodded "Right away.. " and like that, she ran off as soon as he asked. No hesitation, no questions, nobody would ever dare.

Donut nervously adjusted his bowtie. He didn't exactly understand why he was in this position of power, he hadn't exactly done anything to deserve it.

Coiny looked up at Two, adjusting his eye patch, holding his sword with the other hand. "Should I go get the front row to check on that?" He mumbled. Coiny.. scared him. He had changed.. a lot.

Two raised an eyebrow "Go send out Free Food. I'm sure they'll know what to do if they see anyone"

They hadn't came across anyone in days.. at least being from Fours side. That had really got on Twos nerves, as they were making no progress.

What could someone be doing so close to the hideout? How pathetic, they were basically asking for death.

Coiny nodded, going to run off and go send Free Food on the small mission. As he ran out the doors, Barfbag came back with Gelatin "I-i have the translator-" she said, panting, as if she had been running. Gelatin was the only one out of everyone who could translate morse code.

Two looked at him "Well? What did Roboty say?" He eyed up the lime green jello, his hands infront of him on the desk.

Gelatin shrugged, with one arm of course, since thats all he had. "He said something about a white object hanging around the front.."

Gelatin looked over at Donut and waved, Two growling "That could've been anything, how was he sure it was someone even from Fours side? It could've been Cloudy, or an animal"

"Cloudy has been reported in his room with Tree. He's not out there-" Barfbag quickly added, nervous. Two raised an eyebrow, leaning back

"Very well. Thank you. Please leave now" he commanded. Donut nervously gazed at his friends, watching them leave the room.

Busy, I know. Two took this very seriously.. and took this mission to kill all the contestants that had been on Fours side too personally. He wouldn't ever stop to complete it..

Donut kept his eyes off of him, waiting for Coiny to return. He .. didn't agree with any of this. He honestly hated the whole concept of this.. this was their friends.. not .. enemies.

Things would've been fine if none of this happened.. how did he even end up in this situation... how did it come to.. this.

Coiny came back, shutting the doors to the office. He turned his metal body to Two ".. Free Food has been alerted. They've sent out Yellowface, Fries and Stapy"

Donut looked away.. he hated them the most.. they were probably the ones who had lost it the most. Except Stapy of course, he was just being used by his team members to execute whoever they found, by putting them inbetween the pieces of the poor stapler and... well.. yeah..

He had only seen it happen once, he felt so bad.. still to now.

Two nodded "Excellent work, Coiny"

Coiny nodded, going to walk and stand back next to him. Thats all both of them did all day.. just stand there and do whatever Two told them to do...

It didn't seem right, this wasn't even a competition.. well.. it could be.. a competition of life.. if you were sick enough to see it that way..

Two sighed ".. This is ridiculous.. theres so many more out there, how come we've found hardly any?" He growled "They have to at least get desperate ..starve, or even give in!" He slammed his fist down, making Donut flinch

Right.. three objects had actually decided to give in to Two from Fours side. They were aloud to live, on one condition: that they served as servants to Two himself, and Coiny and Donut if they wanted.

Two had actually came up with that himself, and was fairly proud. Now he didn't need to get up and get a drink if he wanted one.. kinda.

Donut expected Coiny to feel bad at least.. I mean, two of them were his team members.

But.. apparently not.

Two leaned back against his chair, sighing impatiently "Whats going on then? Whats Free Food doing right now?"

Coiny shook his head "Its too early you determine this yet.. sir.." he spoke, holding his sword close to himself. Two growled "Well, I'm impatient!! Can we can anyone to look into this?!"

Donut frowned a little.. Two was so annoying..  he hated him so much.

"I'll send someone to go check on Free Food.." Donut spoke, groaning to himself a little. He began to move from his spot, walking to the doors..

He headed out the office, being greeted with a huge hallway fall of doors, each leading to an important room. He raised an eyebrow, turning and going to the nearest one, the communication room.

Inside was a bunch of tv screens, the images displaying different parts of the building. There was a camera for each room, except for everyones personal dorms, of course.

He went to grab the mic connected to main teams office. He was probably free right now.. he could ask him, it was his job to check on these things..

"Tennisball, please go check on Free Foods current situation.." he spoke "Report to the head afterwards, thank you" he turned the mic off, sighing.

He looked around the area a little.. well.. this room didn't have a security camera in it either.. it felt good not to be filmed for once ...other than when sleeping or doing something else in his room.

He was oddly tired today, he didn't know why. With a deep breath, he left the room, going to head back to the office.

"I reported Tennisball to the situation, .. sir.." he mumbled the last part. He hated how they had to call him that. It was stupid..  stupid and unneeded.

Two nodded "Good." He went back to his papers "This'll be.. at least.. probably the fifth one we've found .. the last two weeks. Well, thats if it is even anyone"

Donut hoped not. He didn't want another one of his previous friends to have to suffer.. he couldn't stand this.. he hated it so much. He just wanted to do something about it..

Well... he could.. definitely but, now wasn't the time.

He softly sighed to himself, looking back up at the clock..

.. An hour and a bit until they were allowed to rest..

.. An hour and a bit more of suffering.. that just meant.

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