133: Absolutely helpless.

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Two hadn't yet spread the.. strange news of the note to anyone else in the base, having been stuck on how to handle the situation. It scared them a little... to think of Donut having been working against them all this time. It made them realise how blind they were, how oblivious they might have been... but HOW? It was all making sense now.. Fries sudden disappearance.. Fries and Donut must have been working together, too.

At least Four himself wasn't alive..

Two wasn't dumb. They understood that when powers were traded or passed on, that the receiver would have to learn how to use them. Therefore Donut couldn't have been that strong..Two doubted he learned the ability to recover that easily and that fast. It took Four years..

Lousy Four. Why couldn't they just die normally.

But Two had to retain the powers to make sure that nobody else would get their hands on it, weary that it might still be out there. They couldn't risk ANYONE else finding that power..not from Fours side, anyways. Fours powers needed to be kept safe.. Two knew they themselves couldn't use them.. maybe eventually they could give the powers to a trusted member of their team so they could recover all of their side.. considering how many had died or left.

It would be nice to have Needle and Nickel back.. and well, it wouldn't kill to force the previously dead on Fours side to work with Two. Like Cake, Saw.. Flower..

They knew Bracletetly and Pie had died at the start of the war; they had been on Twos side and had just died during the fighting. It wouldn't kill to have them back, either.

Two had sent out a group to go check the bear traps that been set out a short while ago to see if anyone had been caught in them. They didn't tell anyone else but Coiny about the note yet.. planning to later. Liy had to pretend like she didn't know any word of it, so when she got asked to look for traps with Leafy and Loser, she knew that something was up. Two didn't want them to look for bear traps.. Two wanted them to look for Donuts body. God.. she hoped Gelatin had hid it well, she was really scared of someone getting their hands on that power..

Well.. someone from Twos side. She had no idea what everyone else in the forest was doing right now.

So she and the other two were hussled outside to go look for the "bear traps". She was miserable because of how cold it was, but also because of who she got grouped with.. she was beginning to feel a lot of pressure and stress being with everyone from Twos base when she knew damn well she didn't want to be there.. she just knew she was being kept from something..something big.

With all her memories.. visions..dreams.. they couldn't mean nothing. She knew something wasn't right..she just wished she knew what.

So she walked through the forest with Leafy and Loser, mostly keeping silent and to herself during her travel. She hadn't really went out with these two since they took a visit to that lab together.. and kidnapped Lightning. Shit.. she forgot she did that.. damn, another reason not to be trusted. Jeezz.. she had done a lot of things, huh?

She clutched her knife to her side, pain shooting through her leg each time she took a step due to her ankle. Loser was walking ahead with his back faced to her, and of course there was tension between them due to before. She didn't say a word to him, Leafy by her side and strolling as well. She had never felt fearful of Leafy before.. but now she understood.

Leafy felt this tension, though. Less around Loser.. more around Liy. Something was different about her.. she could sense it, and see it in the way Liy carried herself. Leafy kept a stern and straight face as she followed behind Loser, moving a stray stick that was poking out from a bush out her way by pinching it between her fingers. "You're not the same, Liy.." she unexpectedly stated.

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