76: I'm trying.

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A few more hours passed into the day, meaning that it was now early lunch time. The morning hadn't been too eventful, in fact things had been going rather smoothly. Free Food had been sent out to hunt so Barfbag never got a chance to talk to Yellowface about her earlier conversation that she had with Gelatin. She talked to Loser about it instead.

Firey and Stapy had managed to survive the fire while hanging around the edge of the cliff, as they had chosen to stay inside the actual waterfall itself, perched ontop of a rock away from any of the flames. They managed to live through it, but the forest did not, and they knew they would be more exposed like this.

The base was completely destroyed when they went to check it out. Firey had seemed really upset since.. mainly because it was the only thing he had left from Cake, and.. all the stuff he collected reminded him of the past. He hadn't talked much since and seemed rather grouchy, but Stapy didn't really complain because he knew he was mourning about it and knew it was hard for him.

The two had went to look for a new place to go set up a base for the two of them to stay in. Firey didn't have any tools anymore so couldn't build a treehouse, and instead would have to build something on the ground. It was more accessible for Stapy that way anyways since he didn't have any legs. Firey decided that they would just build some sort of stick hut thing, claiming it would be easy to make.

Stapy had wondered off to look for wood and usable sticks and logs, leaving Firey to build with what was around. They had made sure to chose an area of the forest that made sure they were well hidden, and hadn't been thoroughly destroyed.

Stapy had left for a while to go gather wood, returning after a brief thirty minutes with what seemed like a good collection. He hopped over to where Firey was, dropping it onto the ground and wiping his forehead, exhaling due to having to carry such a heavy weight. The logs tumbled to the ground, rolling hardly. "H-Hey ..are you-"

He his attention drew towards Firey and noticed he hadn't made any progress whatsoever, sitting against a rock with his head in his arms. At first Stapy felt mild rage from seeing him just sitting there doing nothing, but decided to calm himself and sympathize with him, sighing loudly "Firey, why haven't you started???" He asked rather irratbly, putting his hands on his waist "I just gathered all of that, and you've done nothing! Are you serious???" 

"Ughhjnnn.. go away Stapyyyy.." Firey whined, looking up from his arms with half lidded eyes, not looking so great. Stapy glared, unamused from his tone "Hey! Can you not be a dick for once?? I get that you're upset, but don't take it out on me!" 

"Whatever." Firey mumbled with uninterested tone, putting his head back in his hands so he didn't have to look or acknowledge Stapy. Stapy scoffed and moved his hands back to his sides, rolling his eyes "Don't be so lazy! Once you help me sort this out then you can go back to sulking, okay?? Jeez!"

"Shut upp.." Firey moaned, going to look up and stare at him with frustration, but feeling to weak to display it. "I don't feel great, okay???" He hissed admittedly,

"I.. know you're..-"

"No, not like that." He didn't want to think about Book or Cake. "I mean like.. physically. I-I think something is wrong." He informed..kind of as a warning.

Stapy was a little startled to gain that information, softening up.. "Err..uuh, okayy..um, I didn't expect thaat.." Stapy made sure the logs were all together before hopping over to him, sitting in front of him and watching as he pulled at the grass, remorseful.

"..What's, uh, happening?" Stapy speculated.

"I don't knowww.. maybe I ate something weird.." Firey suggested uneasily, looking off to the side tiredly, rubbing his eyes with a faint groan. "I feel all dizzy and shit."

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