92: Case closed.

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When things are too peaceful, its usually a bad thing.

After Robotys death things calmed down a little over the rest of the day. Two seemed in an oddly relaxed mood and wasn't too frustrated..surprisingly considering that they had just lost another member of their team. Things were going somewhat well compared to everything else happening, Donut had spent the day with Gelatin talking with him and spending time together, and hadn't been called for anything or on duty for something important. Plus Gelatin didn't have much to do now since Roboty was gone..even if that kind of worried him because Gelatin knew very well that it meant his abilities were practically useless. He wasn't smart like Basketball and Tennisball, he wasn't strong like Leafy (luckily) and he wasn't good at tasks like Tree and Barfbag.

Night time slowly came by, and that's when things began to take a turn for the worst. The.. utter worst. The snow seemed to be peaceful and gentle that night, it wasn't too windy and despite the bitter weather it was calming standing outside. It seemed to feel tranquil.. but was it?

It wouldn't be long until everything went down hill. They just hadn't realised it yet.

Dinner has just finished and the groups were still in the cafeteria - at least most of them. Some returned to their rooms or back to where they had been hanging out, like Balloony Gelatin and Donut. Fries had left too, since his group were saying things about Tv that was annoying him. Two was in the cafeteria however, observing each of them as they talked and casually keeping around Free Food to mildly discuss things with them about the new security bot and the groups thoughts. They had thought a lot about Tree.. it made them wonder what else might be waiting to be found, and not just from him. They knew they didn't have to worry about certain objects because they were obedient, but Two couldn't say the same for all of them.. there had to be some things lying underneath the seams..

Pushing through the cafeteria was an object who slammed the doors against the wall in a dramatic and somewhwt violent entrance, practically dragging themselves into the room as the doors swung shut behind them and squeaked. The attention of everyone was caught and obviously their reaction was to see what had happened, Two standing straight in reaction to the sudden entrance to see who just did that.

And.. it wasn't pretty.

There stood Liy, heaving to catch her breath as she had clearly ran here, as soon as she saw the lights of the building she had been running like hell to arrive. She was injured and covered in snow and ice, she looked freezing as she was physically shaking. In her hand held a knife, gripped tightly between her fingers and it didn't look like her old one. She waited to catch her breath, stumbling forward and taking a deep breath, anger all over her face. "WHERE IS FRIES?!" She screamed out, using the wall for balance.

"Excuse me?-" Two was baffled. "L-Liy! Oh wow! You're alive! Everyone thought you died!" Two exclaimed triumphantly, moving away from the table they were stood by. Mumurs erupted from all around.. Barfbag wasn't sure what Fries did that included Liy, but she had a bad feeling that this was .. her exposing him. She gripped the table, preparing herself for everything to fail..

"FRIES-" She sputtered, glaring up at Two as they walked towards her. Her legs were hardly keeping herself up because of how cold she was. "He is a TRAITOR!! I was STUCK in a lab with ..G-Golfball and ..others and- h-he FUCKING HELPED THEM SAVE THE PRISONERS!" She finally exposed the truth behind the secret plan, panting as she waited for Twos reaction with her teeth gritted in strain. Two seemed to not understand at first, but.. "..You.. were kidnapped? F-Fries? Are you serious? Fries wouldn't-"

"I am NOT a liar.." she seethed lowly, before glaring over at Yellowface and Free Food. "This whole time he has been FAKING it while he helps the other SIDE?! Haven't you noticed?!" She shouted loudly, her voice echoing off the walls since the cafeteria fell silent to listen to what she was saying. Two wasn't sure about her allegations but.. they began to consider it and it wasn't..pretty. They hadn't yet clocked that this meant Price Tag hadn't actually been lying about the group..

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