154: Fear for your lives.

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Gore warning

Part 1


Snowball yelled out his words inbetween each aggressive whack he delivered into the shutters of the building, the group flinching each time it came in contact with the bat. He peristantly attacked it, hitting it over and over in blind rage. It shook the shutters and dented them too, an imprint of the bat left behind. They could have got Gelatin to go inside the base and unlock it, but figured that him going alone inside may be too risky.

"Was the building always this .. protected..?" Coiny wondered aloud, his eyes scanning up and down the huge structure that towered over him. Firey stood by his side, his eyes staring up at it, mesmerized.

"... I don't remember there being this many shutters two weeks ago.." he uttered, blinking in disbelief. "I can't even see a way in.."

The robot that "Bottle" had destroyed had been removed... the place looked different, more isolated and protected than before. It had never been like this.. it looked like nobody could get in or could get out.. was Two just trapping them there? Golfball gave a worried glance to Snowball, watching him repeatedly bash the shutters with the bat.

"What if they have fled the facility?" She suggested in thought, furrowing her eyebrows.. would Two run away from the situation? That was worrying if so. Shampoo shook his head though, using the crutches to move himself foward. "No, they haven't."

"What?? How do you know?" Gaty was confused. Shampoo pointed at the shutters with one of his crutches. "Firstly, if Two wanted to leave, they wouldn't have taken the group. Secondly, I'm fairly certain that this is just some kind of .. ploy to make us think they're not in there. I think Two knew we were going to come eventually..these are just precautions to make us think they're not in there." He claimed, seeming pretty certain. Snowball growled, bashing at it with more force.

"Well, they can't hide in there forever, GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!" He boomed in demand, grabbing the bat sideways and thrusting it into the door repeatedly.

"Yes, that seems more likely. Two thinks they can just hide and cower away? Ha, what an utter joke." Lollipop sneered, a hand on her waist. "Though, how are we exactly going to get inside if the whole thing is closed off like this?" She pondered, tapping under her chin. Golfball opened her mouth to suggest something, but was cut off by the sound of scraping metal.

"Done!" Snowball proudly shouted, crossing his arms with the bat in hand while stepping back to admire the damage he had done. There was a small hole that had been ripped through the shutters, a few objects would probably fit through. Gelatin smiled a little and proceeded to charge up his powers, holding his hand up. "I can-"

"Well, looks like being an annoying NUISANCE actually got you somewhere rather than getting kicked out of a competition, Snowball." Two jeered mockingly, startling them all with their sudden presence. Snowball stumbled backwards as the numeral grabbed the bottom of the shutters with a single hand and lifted them out their way into a crumple, as if it had been completely effortless. They did NOT look happy, and was joined behind by their group. Of course, the group was armed.

Shampoo was right.. they had prepared for this. The shutters had been intentional.. well, it was possibly for that reason. Silence had befallen them all, the only sound being the rustling of leaves above. There was established tension immediately, created by the mix fear, confidence and hatred.

Liy made eyecontact with Barfbag, glaring down the other object. Barfbag was enraged to see her with the group.. so they actually ACCEPTED her? What a dumb move, Barfbag would make sure that they knew the truth about Liy.. she grinned lowly and shoved off her teeth, threatening her as she held up her gun, pointing it directly at Liy. Liy stared into it, her fist tightening into a ball.

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