100: It was only a matter of time.

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Donut lead Coiny to his room and explained everything to him.. well, the important parts anyways, he wasn't going to dump too much information onto him yet. Coiny found it hard to accept that all this time he had amnesia, and that he had all these friends he didn't even know about... and that Two was trying to kill them just for the fun of it. He was upset that he had been helping towards this the whole time.. but he said that he just had no idea how to react to the memories that he received. It felt like something was missing when he remembered.. like they were fake but at the same time not.

He was grateful that Donut offered him support and told him the truth, even if it was hard to hear. He wasn't exactly happy over it all, he was just relieved. Donut knew it would be a while until he adjusted to that new information.. he would have to wait a little bit before telling him anything else.

Coiny was still learning and was still trying to remember things right..he had to ask a lot of questions that he had been wondering over the last.. well, month. Donut answered them all, helping Coiny with the missing details that he had been needing. Such as .. his past, and everything with Firey and Leafy. How the war started and..when he must've lost his memories. It was all starting to piece together in Coinys mind, despite him not remembering a lot still. He did add on a few missing parts here and there though, some things coming back to him which he hadn't remembered before.

Donut was just glad he was finally able to tell him.. after all this time he needed it.. and he was glad Coiny could cooperate. He didn't tell Coiny about Fries or the lab just yet.. or his own and Gelatins powers, because he knew that would probably stress him out. He told Coiny he had more information that he would tell him later. Coiny didn't nag or ask because he wasn't sure if he would remember that all right now. He was just.. getting used to everything he had been told.

Donut also told Coiny firmly he needed to keep pretending to.. act normal in Twos sense. He had to keep acting like he had no idea what was happening and that he was still on Twos side. Coiny was surprised at this request.. he had never really had to do anything like that before and wasn't sure if he could. Donut told him all he had to do was act like he usually did before all of this.. obedient and aggressive... if Two found out that Coiny knew about his amnesia, things would get ugly fast.

So that was that.. Coiny went back to the office and had to think about what Donut said. He ...wondered if he should go talk to Pin about it.. he didn't know if she would understand or be willing to listen. He would have to gather the courage to speak to her because.. he honestly not only wanted to but he NEEDED to. He had.. no idea they had been best friends. It..hurt.

He would have to do that later.. when the time was right.

After Coiny left, Gelatin soon enough joined Donut in his room. Donut explained everything to him, and suddenly it hit him that the whole time he had forgot about teleporting to the group. Gelatin was shocked to hear the information about Coiny though.. he thought he would never give in.

"You for real?" Gelatin asked in surprise, Donut pacing around his room in stress. "He was dead serious! He .. actually believed me. He wanted to know about his past..." Donut stopped and looked at Gelatin, tapping his finger on his side in thought. ".. He was obviously struggling. Mind you, he was on the roof."

"Yeah, yeah. You said." Gelatin looked off, pucking his lips. "Damn.. I'm actually so surprised. I thought he was gonna stick by Two no matter what.." he admitted.

" ..Must've gotten too much for him. At least he .. knows the truth now." Donut supposed with a sigh, rubbing his arms. Gelatin walked up to him, grinning and putting a hand on his shoulder "No worries D! He just has to play pretend now.. rightt?"

"Yeah.. but he said he wasn't very good at it." Donut worriedly explained, Gelatin keeping his hand on his shoulder. "He'll be finee.. Two is dumb, remember?"

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