65: Big decisions.

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To get a break from the base, Fries decided to have a little walk around outside instead of being cramped up in the building. He slipped out the doors and excused himself to go hunting, wanting to think about what he and Donut talked about this morning somewhere quiet and where he could focus, instead of constantly having to pretend to be someone he wasn't. He was trying to think of the current situation, and since the weather was rather nice today he supposed some fresh air would do the trick.

Two's actions only made him angrier and angrier, and that wasn't good, as it was getting difficult for him to keep his feelings under control. It was becoming increasingly difficult pretending to love and obey someone like Two.. to have to do whatever they commanded and show extreme loyalty no matter what. He was getting sick of it but.. knew he needed to do it.

Two deserved to suffer for all the things that they had done. They deserved..well, death wasn't even enough to pay for their crimes. Fries tried not to think about them, knowing he would just get further frustrated, which wasn't his intention right now.

He walked along the forest after trailing away from the base, tracing the tree trunks with his hand as he passed them. The weather was quite warm today.. a change was nice. The snow was clearing up, and there was now only small melting clumps of it in the grass or dirt. Leaves were dripping, and the mud was slippery.. it was somewhat peaceful to see the forest like normal again... and relaxing.

He thought about Donut.. was he really going to thrust all his responsibilities of Coiny on him? He didn't feel very sure about the idea, despite Donut wanting to...like, really wanting to. Coiny's situation was.. really deep, especially with Two being extremely involved in it. It was risky and .. he wasn't sure how he would've even handled it himself. He didn't want Donut to do something dangerous like that..

Okay.. maybe Fries was a hypocrite, but he didn't like Donut getting into something that risky, despite him doing himself. He just.. didn't mind getting himself hurt, but..not others. He couldn't bare the thought.

Maybe that's why he was.. so invested in helping others. No matter how problematic it made it for him, he wanted to keep helping. Even if it hurt him.. even if it killed him.. he needed to do what he could to help. When he was ever in a situation where he was about to die, his first thoughts were directed to how this was going to impact those who relied on him.

He had been invested in his thoughts, too invested to pay attention to the person behind him calling his name. He suddenly clocked in as they got close, turning around in confusion and realisation that was too late. "Wha-"

Pen stood there, panting heavily as he had been clearly running up to him. He put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath in exhaustion from his fast running "W-Wait-" he choked, heaving. Fries awkwardly looked around, not understanding what was.. happening..

Why.. in the world was Pen coming up to him exactly..? Was he stupid? Pen knew that Fries was on Twos side, he was apart of Free Food. Pen knew he was crazy, why the hell would he be coming up to him as if they were friends?

Pen spluttered, coughing slightly as he tried to gather himself "F-Fries! I've been calling and calling you for ages! Didn't you hear m? I had to run to catch you, I've never ran so fast! Well.. I have. But.. uh, hey! What are you doing here? Where are your friends?"  Pen rubbed his hands together, looking around.

Fries wasn't sure if he was hallucinating, or perhaps this was some weird dream. He looked around awkwardly, unsure on how to respond. He had never come across this kind of conversation with someone from Fours side just.. like that..he wasn't too sure why Pen was acting this way. Why he wasn't terrified..

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