129: Accidents happen.

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Part 2

Basketball had fixed Gelatin up by tending to his wounds, there wasn't much she could do about his eye in terms of making it better, but she had moved one of the bandaids that was on the side of his body to where his eye was so that it covered his wound. He had been able to have some time to calm down and relax, since he had a breakdown in front of everyone. Of course they were all surprised to see him when he emerged out of the crate with Basketball, seeming a lot more put together than before.

"I'..sorry I acted like that.." Gelatin brathed softly as he trailed up to the group, fiddling with his only hand as he slowed down. They were sat down together, some standing or looking up as he arrived, their conversations fading off into tranquility. "Oh, Gelatin. It's alright.." Lollipop stepped over the group and went to approach him, Basketball walking around the two and sitting on the ground with a heavy exhale.

"H-His eye is okay! Well.. no, it isn't..but his injury isn't life threatening. " Basketball informed, leaning back tiredly while closing her eyes momentarily. Blocky had his legs crossed, his arms tucked into his lap. "We are so lucky to have you around, man." He complemented Basketball, grinning wider as Basketball seemed to get embarrassed and flush up at his praise, opening her eyes and avoiding eyecontact. "Oh? Ah, thank you.."

"Hey! I am JUST as good at fixing objects as Basketball is!!" Golfball snapped and cut in, having been one of the ones who stood up when Gelatin arrived, so sat down angrily and crossed her legs aggressively. "What can I not do that she can?!" She seemed hostile, Basketball frowning at her attention hogging behaviour.

"Be nice??" Snowball suggested boredly, his elbows on the ground as he lay down, propping his face up with his fists. Golfball growled at his remark, and would have attacked him if Pen hadn't put his hands up and laughed some awkward apology to her on Snowballs behalf.

"Guys..please.." Tree signalled over to Gelatin, knowing that he wanted to talk. He went to sit down as everyone quietened, Lollipop and Gelatin following suite and doing the same. Gelatin felt the damp grass with his hand, gazing down at it for a moment. "Alrighty.. so..uhhhh.. yeah. I needed to come here to.. tell you all that. Cuz.. I-I'm wasn't too sure what ..to do.. after I escaped.. and this seemed like the best place to go.. according to Fries." he looked up at them all slowly, kind of worried for their reactions.

Some obviously felt like this was over.. some the complete opposite.. it was mildly clear in their expressions and behaviour, some didn't care and some were incredibly nervous. Clock was with hopelessness, watching Gelatin blankly. "I don't see how we can build ourselves up from this.." he uttered, looking miserable.

"I can." Gelatin assured boldly, rather quickly after Clocks statement too. "Did I wanna come here to discourage you all? Uh, nah! I wanted to ask you for help..a-and I realised that while looking for you..." he explained, pulling at the grass anxiously with his hand as he forced himself to speak. Blocky crossed his arms and sighed loudly, looking up at the sky. "Well.. I get that, dude,..but.. -"

"No, you don't get it... not like, properly. " Gelatins gaze fell to the grass, biting the inside of his mouth in worry. He felt all their eyes on him, so he took this to his advantage, bringing his fingers up slowly while turning his hand up right, his palm facing the sky as he lifted the grass with the powers he owned. The others watched, astonished.. confused.. taking a moment to realise what was happening. Lightning rubbed his eyes with the balls of his fists, amazed at the sight of the floating grass.

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