136: Everything is falling into place.

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The sun emerged from the clouds as dawn greeted the forest.. just another day in this nightmare. Golfball was prepared today, waking up everyone as usual to make sure they were awake and ready. They needed to be.. because the were all waiting for Gelatin and Lightning to return with the group. The more time they waited patiently.. the more they grew nervous, their minds answering their questions with the answers they didn't want.

It was a gloomy morning due to all the heavy topics, and the contagious worry that seemed to only spread the more it was expressed. Lollipop hadn't been herself all morning, a stick clutched in her hand as she dug it into a grassless area, sat upon a log that was next to their campfire, the warmth of its flames lapping against her face and legs. It was a cold morning with no rain, so Golfball set one up.

This would also help Firey and the others find them, due to the smoke.

Lollipop leaned on her hand, her elbow propped up on her leg as her gaze didn't budge from the ground. Jr was sat next to her on the floor, his legs to his chest as he watched her stress out. He wasn't sure how to help, looking across at everyone else.

The mood was also dull because of Liy.. nobody knew what to believe about her. Jr said his thoughts, but they were constantly changing. Maybe he was scared of the truth.. or didn't want to believe she could change. He didn't want to think about it, making an audible groan while leaning back on the ground behind him. Golfball had denied breakfast this morning because of the food supply, claiming they had to be careful with what they had.

"Why is nobody talkinggggg.." Jr complained aloud, laying on the ground so he would face the grey sky. Golfball rolled her eyes, "Tch, you know why. Do not make us explain what you already know, Jr."

"This is fucking boring. When is Gelatin gonna be back?" He whined, outstretching his hands and legs like a star, flopping them beside him.

"How should I know? I am not HIM." She replied a little more harsher than before, turning on her heel to look at the entrance of the lab. She had sent Snowball, Tree and Pen down there to go help with bringing up another crate for supplies, so was waiting for them too.

"Anytime soon.. " Basketball responded in a nicer way, smiling hopefully. It was weak, though, because she was scared of getting her hopes up.

"..I-I hope so." Tennisball whispered.

"Nah, they'll be fine. Lightning wouldn't let anything happen to Gelatin, plus he's got powers! If anything they'd be more likely to get lost." Blocky rocked side to side as he sat on the ground, his legs crossed while he leaned back. He was nervous too..he wasn't going to let that show though.

"Yeah, exactly. " Gaty nodded, trying to stay positive regardless of the situation. "Let's try not to stress too much about this, okay??" She looked around at each of them, observing their dull and struggled expressions. She wanted them to feel better.. she wanted LOLLIPOP to feel better.. but how could they.

They were constantly in worry.. everything had to go right for this to work the way they wanted it to.

"How are Snowball and the others doing?" Anchor decided to ask, trying to shift the conversation to something else more light-hearted. Basketball perked up and blinked, as if she had only just remembered. "R-Right! Uh, how long have they been gone..?" She requested the time.

"7 minutes.." Blackhole immediately responded, as if he had been counting or something. Though he was dead on, as Golfball nodded to confirm this. "Exactly! Somehow, Blackhole.. you have stated it spot on. I applaud you on your accuracy. But regardless, they should be here soon, so prepare to start building again. "

Blocky groaned, making Golfball glare at him immediately. However Eraser shared this same dread, letting out a long whine in response to this information. "Come onnnnn.. I wanna rest.."

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