29: I've missed you..

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Golfball and Blackhole hadn't spoken ever since the incident between them. Blackhole hadn't told Pillow or Pen what he had experienced her saying to him.

That she would kick them out of there.. and she wouldn't care if they all died. It wasn't the nicest thing to here. As well as this, it just made him miss Tree more.


He glanced over to Lollipop, and she was giving him a look of question. It was obvious he hadn't been listening and missed something she said.

Everyone except Golfball was sat in the main room of her lab, using crates of supplies as seats. Pen was swinging his legs and looking away, Lightning playing with his hands and avoiding the stare of Fanny. Jr was sleeping and 8-ball was almost dozing off - Pillow humming and singing to herself quietly, and Bomby sitting boredly and looking into the distance.

"Wh-What? Sorry.. I didn't catch that.." he stammered, her rolling her eyes "Goodness.. " she groaned "I asked if you're okay. You seem quite..um.. distant?"

He paused, then awkwardly laughed "I'm fine. I'm just.. uh.." he looked at Pen for a second "..Thinking about my friends... the ones in the forest." He half lied. He didn't like lying.

She raised an eyebrow, thinking of how to reply "Do.. you think they're dead?"

He didn't respond for a moment. This just made the silence of the situation feel heavier than usual. The weight of expectation of an answer was large.

"You'll just have to accept it" Fanny grumbled suddenly, involving herself into the situation. They both looked over "Bubble is dead.. she was the only person I trusted. " she muttered.

It was rare for Fanny to open up, so Blackhole took this as an opportunity to comfort her. "Sorry that you feel that way.. we will still be here for you, though.."

She frowned and rolled her eyes "Yeah whatever. I know.. its not like Lightning can ever leave me, hm?"

Lightning seemed to perk up at the sound of his name, looking over "Huh?" He suddenly pouted "I'm not that baddd!!"

"You keep giving me electric shocks!"

"..Meanie.. its not my fault.." he played with his hands and looked away, pouting and frowning. Lollipop smirked smugly at the sight "Keeps you alive though, doesn't he?"

"Whatever" she huffed, looking away. Her personality was so cold.. Lightning didn't feel appreciated. The more time went on the less he felt happy. The more he felt like he just wanted to ..forget this.

Maybe he just felt less energetic because of the energy transfer. It was mentally draining too.

Blackhole sighed softly, regenerating the conversation "Mm.. I just miss Tree. I hope he's okay.."

Lollipop looked back over to him. "Hm.. I had many friends.. just like you, Blackhole. I ..don't like thinking about how many of them have lost their lives." She crossed her legs.

Lightning held his arms "..S-Sometimes.. its easier to take a lie than the truth.."

Nobody responded. It felt rather awkward, the mood quite low. As time went on, they were feeling more and more hopeless. Sitting there .. waiting for something to happen.

But alas, nothing was going to happen. And who knows whatever the fuck Golfball was doing and planning.

So.. each day felt longer. Supplies would run out eventually.. their moods will continue to drop, and they'll just.. continue to lose the battle.

Against themselves..but also - Two. And of course.. everyone taking part.

Their silence was abruptly disturbed as a harsh banging was heard on the door, making them all jump.

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