24: A sudden surprise.

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The morning.. well.. was a shock. More than a shock. It was a threat, a warning, more serious than before.

Anchor stayed with Needle and Nickel all night, and in the morning they were supposed to get some rest while Barfbag and Tennisball go on duty.

But.. he never came. And before they could go see where he was, they were alerted by Robot Flower, who was very distressed.

For the right reasons.

Tennisball had been completely beaten and destroyed. He was still alive, but a mess. Tv was there as well, upset and panicked as he was worried that he had been forced to do this to him.

He had been rushed to the medical room where Basketball was, needing immediate care. He was in a much worse state than Nickel.

Two had been alerted of the attack, and he went absolutely batshit. Everyone was confused as to what was happening, and it took a big chunk out of their monring.

After an hour or so, everyone had settled back to their jobs whilst Tb was dealt with and Tv was turned off for confinement since.. well, it was for safety. Two had demanded that he stays off in case he attacked anyone else. It was.. upsetting, but there was nothing else they could do to stop Tv from attacking. Murder was not an option, unfortunately.

Anchor walked up to where Tbs body had been, since it had been taken away. "...I-I can't believe it.. "

Robot Flower was furious. She knew this was intentional. Whoever was controlling Tv did not want them to find out where they were.. stopping Tb from making that device.

If that was true.. they didn't want them to know where they were, obviously. The group earlier had talked about the possibility of the people who were controlling Tv actually being the attackers that stole and attacked Nickel.

They wasn't completely sure.. but it made sense. Nobody knew how Nickel was attacked, and how they got in and everything..what if Tv was behind all that? Forced out of his own will to commit crimes he would never do on his own? The single thought made Robot Flower clench her fists in anger.

She bent down slowly, reaching for it, since Tb had been working on it before he was attacked. It looked a little like a small mobile, with an antenna for signal. It was all cracked and broken, destroyed completely.. almost completely.

She tapped it, the location blinking and glitching. She twitched as she read it, gripping it tighter "....I know where they are.."

"The device still works?" Needle glanced over her shoulder, reading what it said on the small screen "Yellowfaces warehouse"

She growled "Obviously they're using Yellowfaces warehouse to hide." She looked at Needle "I'm fucking leaving and going to see who the fuck it is... who they're using to control Tv.. a mechanical mind? Pfft, Ill see about that.." She put the device down roughly.

"H-Hey hey hey! You can't just go!" Nickel stared up at her "Not on your own! What would Two say?!"

Anchor nodded "S-Surely someone can come with you if you did? You don't know how dangerous it might be.. who you might come across" he muttered, Needle nodding.

"Fine " Robot Flower put her hands on her hips "Come with me. We'll leave a note for Two explaining we know where the attackers are and are going investigate. They'll be fine with it" he huffed.

Needle smiled "Oh! That's right! I'll come with you, of course.." she spoke "You coming Nickel?"

He was hesitant "Aren't they the guys that attacked me? Well.. might not be..but.."

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