51: History between us.

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Donut and Fries had returned back to the base after they spoke about their problem, and of course the weather picked up a frightening amount. The snow was piling now, the trees gradually being coated in a small layer of whiteness. The wind picked up as well, and it was freezing for anyone who was outdoors.

Donut went straight back to his room after they returned, allowing himself to reflect on what happened. He had taken out his diary from under his pillow, laying back on his bed as he held it above himself in the air, awkwardly trying to write with it in this position. He was tired and couldn't be bothered to sit on his desk.

He wasn't sure where Fries went, but decided not to worry. He was writing in his diary about him, putting down all the facts he had learned while it was still fresh in his memory.

This whole time.. Coiny didn't even understand what was happening. How was he supposed to handle him now? He didn't want to seem suspicious..but he just wanted to try and see if he was okay.

He didn't know how he could do that without Two realising what Donut was doing. After all - Two was still looking for the amnesia file.. who knew what he would do if he found out who took it?

So Donut was left on his own with not much to do, boredly noting down random things in his diary that he remembered from his discussion with Fries, and just his thoughts about Fries in general.

Fries was.. something. Fries was better than him - for starters. He saved lives.. helped them, supported survivors and prisoners no matter how much it put himself at risk. It was.. admirable; and of course it was unexpected as he had never imagined Fries to have been... doing that all this time. He pulled off being insane quite well.

"Hm.." he pondered what to write, scribbling some of his initial thoughts and comments. He was interrupted, though.

Breaking the silence, his door swung open violently, making him yell out and sit up since he was startled by it, which caused his pen to glide against his page unexpectedly, dragging a rough line right through his writing it. He grimaced at it and slammed his book shut, swiping both the book and pen underneath his pillow swiftly. He looked over to the door, fearfully dreading who it was.

Gelatin was stood in the doorway, an unimpressed expression planted on his face. He slammed the door shut behind him, making the walls shake. "Donut!" He scolded, glaring at him.

Donut was surprised at the sudden intrusion from Gelatin of all people, as well as his strange attitude "What?!" he hissed with hostility, furious over the fact he just let himself in like that. He had been close to being caught with the diary, and Gelatin definitely wouldn't hold back from reading it.

Gelatin rolled his eyes, dismissing his anger "Uhh, duh! Where the HELL have you been?!" He whined, giving him a pleading look "I was so scared! I couldn't find you anywhere!" He whimpered.

Donut hesitated "Oh..I.." he hadn't expected this.. he thought Gelatin would be busy for the rest of the day "I-I thought you were busy." He calmed down.

"Uh, yeah! I was! But then after lunch I went looking for you and you were nowhere!" Gelatin complained, clearly annoyed. It was strange to see.

Donut sat up straight, groaning quietly "I-It isn't that big of a deal. I just.. wanted some fresh air."

"Without me?" Gelatin pouted, acting upset "Come on D, wassup! You don't normally do that." He pulled himself up onto the bed, shuffling to move in front of him.

Donut observed him, sighing and crossing his legs "I just.. was getting stressed, that's all. I thought you were busy and didn't want to interrupt so.. I left you alone."

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