80: Long needed talk.

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Nothing much happened over the course of the night. So, eventually morning came again. Nobody was counting the days anymore, but patience was being noted as lower than ever. Luckily, for the prisoners, things were soon working in their favour.

Morning passed, uneventful and uninteresting. Two had been trying to come up with a new security system, as the keycard and code version wasn't working very well. They thought more like.. personal. Something that would FORCE them to stay unless Two themselves granted direct permission..but how? This was something he had chosen to discuss with Yellowface.

But back at Golfballs lab, she had been super busy day and night trying to build settings into RobotTb, and code him so that he could climb the building and have the knowledge on how to cause a fuse in the building. She had been working hard, determined to do this right. Luckily, the electrical room wasn't inside the building itself.. it was just all the way on top. Fries had also warned that Cloudy would be lurking up there so, to make sure to be careful. Not like Cloudy could do much anyways.

It was now the early afternoon, and the group was talking about the whole plan itself.. it felt... so bizarre. They couldn't believe this was really happening.. it had been talked and talked about, but now they were actually.. doing it. Blocky was ... so happy he was finally going to see Eraser, Clock too. Him and Pin didn't talk very much.. but... it would be nice to see her as well. Finally they would be free from torment.

He was kind of nervous to have the actual responsibility of going in the building itself and being apart of the pair to ACTUALLY free them but.. he knew the others weren't in conditions to really do it any better. Lollipop, maybe, but she would be vulnerable due to her robotics and injuries.. so he didn't mind that much because he cared for the others safety. He knew Pen was scared for him.. but also for Blackhole.

Jr wasn't so keen on letting Bomby do that, either. Naily had tried to be supportive but it was clear that she was obviously kind of anxious about it too.

The group was currently sat around, Gb off in her own personal lab room, while Pen and 8-ball were off with Liy. Everyone else was together, as Lollipop had finally decided to join them after having some personal time alone. She was noticeably quieter though, nobody talked to her about what happened a few days ago.

"How do you think Fries and Blackhole are doing?" Lightning suddenly brought up, glancing down at everyone around with a shy smile in a weak attempt to start some sort of conversation. The atmosphere was weirdly heavy.. probably because of the impending threat of them .. losing their lives in this mission.

"They probably got in." Jr commented, tossing a paper ball in the air and catching it repeatedly, leaned against a wall. "Two is stupid as fuck man.. it wouldn't have been that hard. As long as they had a good story.."

"I hope Fries knows what he's doing.." Blocky exhaled quietly, Jr looking with a raised eyebrow. "How he has planned to cover this all up after... I'd feel awful if something happened to him because of us.."

"Let's just hope that doesn't happen then, hm?" Fanny replied harshly, Blocky shrugging it off. Pen walked through the door, as he had been busy with Liy and 8-ball.. "Mm, I think we need to give Liy some food  .." He informed the rest of them, clearly reluctant to tell them this news.

A wave of groans elapsed. Fanny was the first to voice her opinion, Lightning groaning "Seriously?? Why are we STILL keeping her alive? She's obviously never going to change. " she spat.

"Mmm.. I know.." Pen agreed, looking behind himself "I.. just don't know how Blackhole would feel if.. we let her die. "

"He willingly threatened her, he doesn't fucking care." Jr tossed the ball into himself, turning it into ashes. "You really think he could care less if that sack of shit finally bit the dust?"

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