85: In a time of need.

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Late evening greeted everyone with its familiar feeling of uncertainty for the future. After Liy escaped and left the group, they had been stuck taped up and bound to the chairs inside the lab. Lightning couldn't fly away because he was connected to Fanny and therefore it posed the risk of him hurting her in the process, so he couldn't attempt to free himself. Pen had been trying to get out since it was easier for him than any of the others; he not only had arms but he wasn't connected to anyone like Lightning was. He had been helplessly trying to free himself from the duct tape but it was more difficult then he expected it to be.. duct tape was weirdly strong.

His motivation was dimmed too, mainly because of the fact that even if  he somehow managed to free himself, the group was still doomed nonetheless. When Liy found her way back to Twos base, it was obvious what she was going to do.. he was scared for when the rest of the group was going to return, honestly. If they succeeded with their plan back at Twos base, then coming back to this would be a really big downer.. it would ruin everything they had worked towards. Pen felt like it was his own fault, but he knew it wasn't just because of himself. In fact, it wasn't really any of their faults.. it was just.. Liy was too strong.

None of them expected this. If only someone else had stayed, like Lollipop or Jr. Regardless, there was no use regretting it now. Pen had managed to get the stupid tape off his mouth a little while ago, but it wasn't like there was any use calling for help.

"I'm.. sorry guys. I-I think we might have to relocate to somewhere else so we wont be found.. Golfball wont like that.." Pen sadly spoke, looking to the ground with a  disappointed frown. He didn't feel good at all.. "I can't.. believe she managed to actually escape, I kind of.. wish we had just  killed her when we had the chance.." he uttered. As mean as he thought it sounded, he kind of didn't care, he didn't feel any sot of guilt for her now, she obviously just.. wanted them dead.

Why did she want to obey Two so much? It was worrying.

Pen wasn't sure what time it was but he was certain that it was, well, growing close to night time. Even if he was fearful of the group returning, he didn't want to exactly sit here forever and starve.

He groaned and leaned back on his chair, looking up at the ceiling weakly..  they failed. Fries was doomed, too. It hurt to think about it and the more he thought about it the more ashamed he felt. Fries had done so much for them, he genuinely liked Fries. He had been amazing when they were back at the fires, he was so caring.. now he was going to die. Two obviously wasn't going to let that slide so it was oblivious they would kill him.. maybe it would be worse than death. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned again, not wanting to think about it.

"I-I feel awful.." he whispered to himself, He heard Lightning say something from under the duct tape covering his mouth, Pen looking across to where him and Fanny were sat. "H-huh?"

He said it again, looking worried. It was hard to make out what he was saying but it sounded like he said "don't." Pen returned a smile, but it faded as he looked off to the side. It was hard to not feel upset, in all honesty. He appreciated Lightning's support though, he really did. 

Meanwhile, upstairs, Woody slowly blinked his eyes open, groaning quietly as he was dragged into consciousness. His first instinct was to put his hand to his head, as it was in pain but he couldn't quite recall why. He looked around, trying to stand up on his legs, stumbling in an attempt to regain his balance.. what ...happened? Everything was fuzzy and he couldn't fully remember why he was in this room, or why he had blacked out.. in fact, he struggled to remember a lot.. jeez, what time was it? He seemed to be in Golfballs personal office.. where was she? Why was he here? He couldn't remember what he had been doing.. where was everyone?

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