126: Rise from the ashes.

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The whole day the group at the cave had left and ventured the forest in attempt to find the lab. It took them a while, because Golfball actually got lost at some point, which made them lose a lot of time. Because they lost that time, night approached sooner than they wanted, which was bad due to the incoming storm. The night was rough.. especially for those who were most vulnerable to the rain. Jr was shielded the most to be protected, but luckily they all made it through the night under a tree, despite the thunder and the pounding rain.

So the morning came and the rain had stopped, but the storm clouds were still around.. it was clear that the storm wasn't quite over yet.. so they needed to get a move on before the thunder picked up again. Luckily, they had been quite close.. so they found the lab in no time.

The group silenced and slowed down upon seeing the lab over the bushes, Golfball being front so had the best view. She exhaled silently and made a stern face as she paused her walking, coming to a slow hault. This wasn't going to be easy for any of them.. but knew it would be harder for some in specific. Lollipop stared in hurt, Gaty looking up at her with guilt and concern. Anchor put his hand on Lightnings shoulder, but Lightning pulled away unexpectedly and may his way over before any of them, flying over the bushes hastily.

"F-Fanny-" Lightning blurted, catching everyone's attention. Blackhole was the second to speak up, trying to follow him over the bushes. "L-Lightning .. wait up, please-" he warned, trying to keep behind him.

Lightning slowed down, gradually stopping as he looked down below him to where Fannys body had been left. He had his mouth mildly ajar but didn't know what to say, floating around her and hovering his hand over her in hesitance to touch her dead body.

Golfball looked down in sorrow, shaking her head. The others began to walk foward as well, knowing that this was only the beginning, and there were most likely more bodies to be found.. they couldn't have all been destroyed. Tree jogged away from the group to where Lightning and Blackhole were, putting his arms by his sides as Lightning struggled with the sight.

"..Lightning.." Tree murmured weakly, able to see the pain in his eyes from witnessing Fanny being lifeless. Lightning avoided getting too upset, gazing down at her lifeless body painfully, unable to take his eyes away. Her face was down into the ground, but he didn't want to see it anyways, knowing thats where her main stab wound was. The absorber device connected to the transmitter that had been ripped from his back lay on the ground, still connected to her. He felt so awful.. it looked all ruined by the rain.

Seeing her when she was so full of life..compared seeing her now..it was a lot to swallow.

"Do you.. think the water and snow did a lot of damage to the lab?" Tennisball quietly theorised, not wanting to ruin the atmosphere. Snowball crossed his arms, looking away from the morbid scene silently. Basketballs gaze softened upon looking at him.. he was obviously upset about Fanny.

"I..I don't know." Golfball admitted as she watched this play out. "I.. need to go into the lab.." she turned her attention towards it, Lollipop perking up at this. She placed Jr down with care from her shoulder onto the groynd, him frowning up at her. "I'll go with you.." Lollipop volunteered, offering help.

Jr looked towards the blackened entrance..the damage from the explosion was already visible from where they all stood. The lab must have caught on fire as soon as the explosion occurred ..even if someone survived the explosion, they would have burned to death afterwards anyways... that was brutal.

"I'll come too." Jr agreed after. Gaty looked up at Lollipop. "A...Are you sure? It's dangerous in there..Lollipop.." Gaty voiced her worries, trailing off.

"I am..." Lollipop assured her friend, seeming stern. Golfball nodded after. "Gaty is correct.. it will be dangerous due to the unstable structure from the fire.. and the rain too, it would not have made it much better. We will have to tread carefully, but who knows.. maybe it will be safe afterall.." she suggested hopefully.

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