130: The Factor of Four.

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By lunch Barfbag and Loser had requested Two if they could go out and search for any signs of the intruder; due to the rain clearing up (for now) they knew this was a good time to go outside so figured it would be a wise idea to ask now. Two permitted this despite their suspicions over everything, and checked out their bands for them so they had the ability to leave. Of course, they weren't going to be looking for an intruder because they knew there wasn't one.

They had originally planned on looking for Gelatin, but scrapped that idea as they knew he could teleport and would be able to get away quickly if he was in danger. So they had something even better prepared. Barfbag had been the one to suggest it, as she was the one who came up with the idea initially. Delighted, Loser agreed, leaving Yellowface once again out of it as neither were interested in having him on their team anymore.

Barfbag had recommendeded they alternatively look for Donuts dead body rather than Gelatins alive one. Not only would it always be in one place only so ultimately easier to find, but this way they would be able to steal the powers much easier, as no trouble would be included such as struggle or restrain. She was pretty sure once an object was dead, all you had to do was touch them to obtain their power. It was different to numbers where it had to be extracted - it was much simpler and required less hassle. It was kind of like the twinkle.. just a little more complex.

The only person who had touched Donut since he died was Gelatin, who couldn't take the powers (probably) because he already had some..therefore Fours powers were most likely still available to the pair. All they had to do was find Donuts body, which shouldn't be too difficult. It was lunch time, so they had a while to scavage around... this was so exhilarating, as previously things had seemed messed up beyond repair thanks to Liy. They still had a chance to make this work.

Barfbag was so excited, unable to stop grinning at the thought of what she would do with the powers. She had to seriously convince Loser that she should get Fours powers, eventually he agreed on having Gelatins since she wouldn't shut up. She imagined what kinds of things she would do.. how she would assert her new found power. She would probably flush them all out of the forest with a forest fire, one that she would set manually. They would have no choice but to either escape it, or hide safely. One or the other, the forest would get burned and she would have them all to herself, as they would have nowhere to protect themselves from her anymore.

Power.. it was such a wonderful thing. To be in control.. to have that influence. She couldn't contain herself, Loser peaking over his shoulder and raising an judgemental eyebrow at her smile. "Please stop. You look like a creep." He sneered insultingly, before looking into the distance. "Well, actually, you always do." He added on carelessly.

"Be quiet, before I drop you like I dropped Yellow." She seethed back at him, taking his insult too literally. He rolled his eyes and scoffed in offense as she threatened him, but knew that she wouldn't act on it. He couldn't believe they had managed to actually pull this off for so long.. despite their small group.. things were finally falling into place.

What a nightmare this had all been.. it would be so nice to finally relax. He admitted, he was excited to get praised and loved unconditionally while the others had no choice. He wanted them to look up to him and know his worth.. and wanted them to know that he had the power and they didn't. Sonething about that feeling was so exhilarating, and he wanted more of it. It felt addicting..

"I cannot wait to get my hands on all of that power.." Loser admitted aloud, pride in his words. She didn't think anything of what he said, looking across at him. "Huh? Well, yeah, duh. We've done so much for this. I deserve this, don't you think? I've been beaten up so many damn times for you."

"I got beat, too." Loser hummed calmly, drifting his gaze off into the distance again, not bothered. "It will be worth it, just you wait.."

The two had wondered pretty far.. they went into the opposite direction of where the exit of the base was facing, so they weren't heading where everyone usually left to. They guessed Gelatin would try and find somewhere nobody usually went, to make sure that Donuts body was kept safe and out of reach of everyone. She wasn't sure if this was true but it was worth looking here first.. especially because this area was the best chance they had if this was correct.

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