38: Everything hurts.

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Soaked from the rain, the group had finally managed to get back to the base completely fine. Well.. mostly. Pillow had been left behind, and Blackhole felt awful about it. But in the end, she was dead. He couldn't do anything but spare them from the moment. He wanted to protect them from ..what he saw. Nobody should have to see that. He didn't want to have to see it, so made sure they didn't have to.

Once they were inside, the other half of the group came downstairs to greet them. A lot of them were relieved and happy they were okay.. their expressions of comfort was easily read.

"B-BLOCKY! YOU'RE OKAY!-" Pen cried out, running up to him and hugging him roughly "I-I was so worried-," he whined, Blocky weakly smiling and going to hug him back. Pen was wincing a little due to the rain "J-Jeez.. your body is soaking.." he went to let go.

Golfball grunted and shook herself off, spraying water around. "There were no problems while we were out, hm?" She went to work on getting the doors shut, walking up to the panel.

Jr shook his head, crossing his arms. "Nuh uh. She's still there." He smirked, approaching Bomby, looking up at him and examining him dripping off with rain. "Jeez.. got caught up in the storm, huh?"

"Ah.. yeah.."

Lollipop suspiciously observed them all. This made Blackhole nervous, as he awkwardly turned to the side in an attempt to start to head off. He knew that SHE knew something was wrong. She had probably noticed the absence of Pillow.

He didn't want to be there when they found out. And he didn't want to explain either.

Woody shuffled up to Blocky and tugged on his arm, Blocky glancing to him with a raised eyebrow. He looked away as he realised what he wanted. He wanted them to tell everyone about Pillow.

"Soo ..did you guys find anything?" Lightning curiously asked, shyly smiling at them in hopes of a nice reply. However they didn't reply. "Hellooo? Am I just here to be ignored all the time..?"

"Hang on.." Lollipop put her hand on her waist, squinting and observing them all as she walked up to them slowly. Their gaze was focused on her as she approached them, the only sound being her walking. Something.. was missing. "..Where's Pillow?"

Silence. Of course.. this was the part that was going to be difficult. Explaining why in the world they left her out there. Blocky parted from Woody and crossed his arms, looking to Blackhole as he was floating off. "Well.."

Blackhole stopped. He turned to them to watch, feeling bad. He couldn't run from this.. accepting the blame would hurt too much, though.

"..There ..um.. was some complications.." Bomby muttered ".. She..got lost..."

"Got LOST?!" Fanny snapped suddenly, making him flinch  "How in the world did she just get LOST?? Wasn't you keeping an eye on her?!" She yelled.

"Is this..true?" Pen asked..nervous "B-Blackhole! How could you leave her!- we promised we would protect each other-!"

Pen Blackhole and Pillow had been an original group. They had went through a lot together and swore to be there for one another. So..for Blackhole to return without her was.. shocking.

"Are you kidding me??" Jr looked at all of them "This isn't just a joke?? You just.. left her?!"

"We didn't have a choice!! She wondered off, and that was her own fault." Golfball replied firmly, confident in her opinion.

"She didn't know any better! She's like Lightning, but not as bad!" Fanny snapped back.

"Can you guys stop insulting me-??"

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