48: We meet again, dead or alive.

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Basketball had taken Tennisball out on a walk, to discuss everything that had happened without anyone listening in. She heard about the thing with Marker, so knew that Two would be totally on guard about everything. There was even someone by the door, but let her go as she possessed one of the key cards.

The rain was still pouring down outside, so Tennisball was hesitant to go out due to his surgery just being preformed. However, she assured him that he would be okay.

They talked for almost an hour, Basketball explaining everything that he had missed out on, such as Robot Flowers group leaving, the theft, Tv being switched off, the escapes, etc. Of course, the majority was bad news. She didn't mind though.. she was just happy that she had him with her.

The worst news was about how he had been recovered.

She had briefly explained to him first thing, so that she could get it out the way. However he panicked and freaked out so much over it she decided not to bring it up again. He preferred not to think about it, unable to look at himself anymore.

They got over this though.

She gently chuckled, kicking a rain-soaked twig as he made a remark. The twig broke into two, since the wood had became soft. "...Oh, and in regards to the rain? It.. hasn't stopped for a few days now."

"I-Is that normal...?-" he stammered, a little startled by that news "I-I mean.. I've never heard anything like that. It seems.. rather irregular. Especially for days and days consistently..as if it was fabricated..." he pushed his glasses up his face.

"Do you think that Two has anything to do with it?" She wondered, listening to the rain pouring down onto the leaves above them. He shrugged, biting his lip in thought. "Ah.. I wouldn't know-" he almost slipped on the mud, catching himself.

She playfully chuckled, backing up slightly "Heyy! Be carefull..we don't want any of the threads to come undone. They took a lot of time."

He nervously fidgeted "S-Sorry!" He stammered bashfully, embarrassed "The ground is just.. super slippy. If it keeps up like this, I'm afraid it will flood.." he warned, regaining balance.

"Mm.. that's what I was afraid of.."

"It'll be okay Basketball! I'm sure things will be fine.." he pat her back softly, the best he could anyways. She awkwardly laughed and nodded, looking to the side "Y-Yeah.." but she wasn't worried about herself. They went to keep walking.

He glanced to the side as well, trying to muster up a new conversation "Mm.." he thought of something "Robot Flower has been gone for a while now then..huh?"

"Y-Yeah.. right after you got attacked.. you ..do remember being attacked, don't you?"

"N-Not quite yet.." he admitted sadly "It's..all rather a blur. I didn't even know about the whole machine thing I made until you told me..aha.." he gave a nervous smile to her.

She gave him a reassuring smile back "That's okay, Tb! I'm sure it's gonna be hard for you to remember..it's a good thing you haven't lost a large portion of your memory.." she pointed out, him shrugging and awkwardly laughing "Ah well.. I guess.."

"Don't worry too much, okay?" But she was being a hypocrite. She kept walking with him, rather slowly since they didn't need to be anywhere. It continued to rain vigorously, the sky flashing once again. It made him feel on edge..he was never a fan of stormy weather.

It seemed to just keep thundering and thundering.. it must have been Two at this point.

They walked along the muddied path, letting the forest lead them wherever. They made sure not to travel too far, just in case they got lost. Luckily Basketball went out more than Tennisball realised, so she knew the outdoors area quite well, and could identify certain points she recognized.

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