53: Hearts and Stars.

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Stapy and Firey didn't talk much on the way back. They had been slowed down due to the intense winds, and now that the sun was setting the little amount of warmth and light had been taken away from them, so they were left to deal with the result of that.

Luckily, they had made their way back without any further interruptions from... anyone else. It was still a little light outside, but night was creeping up on them. They would have to create a fire at this point - due to the darkness and the cold. They would probably freeze to death over night if they didn't create a source of warmth.

Stapy hadn't been able to think about anything else other than the attack. There was obviously a lot that went on between Firey and Leafy, as well as this the fact Firey hadn't told Stapy about Cake and Book. He felt.. quite guilty, despite not being responsible. He tried not to think too much about it, deciding he would ask him later when he was in a better mind set.

Firey had to carry Stapy up the ladder since Stapy wouldn't be able to get up it himself. This was an inconvenience but..honestly Stapy couldn't care less. He was just grateful he was still alive after all that had happened.

Firey dropped him off at the top of the base, sighing and brushing his hand off "Here we are!" He exclaimed, putting his hand on his waist "Took us a while, but we did it, huh?" He looked around to check out his base.

Stapy glanced about, looking up "Jeez.. you have quite a lot of shit, huh? This base is actually pretty nice.." the leaves above somewhat shaded them from the snow, despite some still managing to get through it acted as a decent barrier.

"Yup! Made it myself. " he boasted proudly. He decided not to mention how Cake encouraged him to make a tree house rather than an underground base. "Pretty sick, huh?" He smirked hopefully.

"Well.. yeah. To be able to build all of this on your own, you did a pretty good job." Stapy complimented thoughtfully.

Firey rolled his eyes "Well, duh! Of course I did, I'm awesome." He put a hand on his chest proudly "Oh, right!" He rushed over to one of the crates of his belongings, Stapy muttering something.

"Wh-What?" Firey squeaked. Stapy thought he was talking to him, so went to reply.. until he realised he wasn't.

Firey hesitated and slowed down once he got close to the crate, standing above it and raising an eyebrow, grabbing onto the sides and looking in. "Wh-Wh..huh?" He used his hands to search through, confused "Hey! Someone's stolen from me!" He looked back at Stapy, outraged.

"Wh-What? What did they steal?" Stapy went to hop over, concerned.

"Food, ugh!" He groaned and searched through his stuff angrily "Now I only have a short supply! That took me ages to find, fucking thieves! " he spat, aggressively taking an apple.

"Did they steal a lot?" Stapy politely asked, wanting to eat badly but didn't want to seem rude. Firey huffed "Well, yeah! Technically!" He complained, shoving the apple into Stapys hands.

Stapy took it instantly, not even looking at it before taking a bite. He wanted to eat slowly, he had told himself that he wpuld eat slowly, but he simply couldn't help himself. He began to devour it, looking away from Firey as he did.

Firey was surprised "Hey-, you were pretty hungry, huh?" He calmed down.

"You think??" He shot, muffled by the food in his mouth. He continued to strip the apple bare, so there was practically nothing left to eat of it. Firey watched awkwardly "J-Jeez.."

He handed him another, allowing him to eat "You can just.. eat until you feel better." He offered, awkwardly turning around and going into another crate. He hadn't realised he was that hungry.. Stapy didn't really make that much of a big deal of it earlier so Firey just assumed he was overreacting.. it made him feel bad for him given his initial situation with.. Free Food and everything. He had basically just been a captive - a prisoner.

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