Something Incomparable

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Josh's POV

I don't know why I agreed to this. Letting my niece arrange a date for me.

I must really be desperate.

But I suppose that's true considering that I haven't been on a date since I ended things with Sofie. Not because I didn't like her, she was fine...she just wasn't what I was looking for. Career-oriented, beautiful, funny, charming, got along with your family, my nagging subconscious riddles off all the reasons why she should've been perfect for me and yet, I still ended things. Because she's not Maya, my subconscious butts in again.

I ignore it though and continue to smooth over the wrinkles in my suit jacket.

I don't know why I suggested such a posh restaurant to have this blind date at, perhaps because I can count on the food being good even if the conversation isn't. I sigh, regretting this decision in it's entirety, thinking of about a billion other ways I could be spending my birthday.

Nevertheless, my phone vibrates beside me, letting on that my Uber is here. Releasing the last of my tension on a deep sigh, I grab my phone and head for the door, hoping that this isn't a waste of time.


The restaurant is packed. Though, what did I expect what with it being Valentine's Day. Couples sit at every table as far as the eye can see and I find myself wondering if any are on their first date, set up by someone else and meeting for the first time.

The car ride here was plenty long enough for my nerves to reappear, multiplying from before into jitters that have me almost heading for the door.

Until I see her.

Red dress that skims the tops of her thighs, heels that cause her to take a couple stumbles, make-up done to perfection despite not needing a single bit and her blonde hair cascading down her back. My breath gets caught in my throat as I open my mouth to call out to her but before I'm even able, her eyes settle onto mine, a rare smile on her red tinted lips. "Josh?" With the chatter around us I can't hear her, but I can read my name on her lips.

Making my way through the crowd towards her, I forget all about this date that Riley set up and instead keep my gaze trained on Maya. The woman who I've found myself comparing everyone to since the day I awkwardly declared her gorgeous in my brother's living room. "What are you doing here?" I ask when I reach her, listening to the rumblings of an old man who's toe I accidently stepped on, allegedly.

The blonde throws her head back in laughter, her fingers clasped around a crimson red clutch at her side. "Of course it's you." Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I reply, "I'm not following." Her eyes come to settle on mine up close this time and I find that I'm quite literally breathless in her presence. "You're the one pushing girls away on my behalf."

I scoff, unsurprised that Riley would come to this annoyingly accurate conclusion but not quite ready to admit that it's true either. "Me? Pushing girls away because of you? Y-you wish that were true." I stumble, lying straight through my teeth.

Maya's lips fall into a sad frown. "I've wished a lot of things in the years since that Christmas, Josh. None of them were ever for you to sabotage a good thing, comparing incomparable girls to me."

Staring at Maya I find it unbelievable that she doesn't see herself as the incomparable girl, the one impossible to compete against. I let my disbelief seep into my words as I spit a reply. "Incomparable girls? Maya," I step closer to her, ignoring the hustle and bustle of the busy restaurant around us, "you're the incomparable one. The one no one could measure up to even if they tried." Closing the distance between us completely, I reach out to caress her cheek, watching her resolve melt as her head turns into my embrace. "It's always been you. Taking up every ounce of space my heart has. I've loved you so long Maya, I don't even remember what it feels like not to be completely and utterly consumed by you."

Shaking her head in what I can only hope is disbelief and not dismissal, her lips quirk into the softest of smiles, "you're insane."

"Perhaps" I agree, mirroring her widening smile. "But don't lie and say that you don't feel this Maya." Taking her hand in mine and placing it over my heart, she lets out a soft sigh.

"...If I did, feel the same, what would that mean?" She asks after a moment's hesitation, bringing her lip between her teeth as her nerves begin to noticeably multiply same as mine.

"If I remember correctly, it would mean an end to a game well played."

Scoffing just loud enough for my ears to hear with a playful roll of her eyes, "I'd argue that I was the only one truly playing the game seeing as you dismissed every other contestant at hand-."

"Maya." I interrupt, shaking my head at her in amusement. "Are we done with the long game or not?" I ask impatiently causing her soft smile from before to split into a blinding grin.

"I suppose" she concedes, feigning nonchalance as I gather her into my arms and spin her around, ignoring the grumbling from patrons all around us before placing her back on her heeled feet and taking her face in my hands. "Happy birthday Josh." She murmurs, her fingertips threading through my hair as my lips hover over hers-.

"Will you be requiring a table this evening?" The hostess interjects before I'm finally able to kiss Maya. Sharing a questioning look with her, it's decided before the words even leave either of our mouths.

"That won't be necessary." I insist, earning a melodious laugh as I lead Maya out of the post restaurant and into the chilly February air. "So?" I begin as the door swings shut behind us. "Chubby's?"

"Obviously" she replies, giggling as the distancebetween us becomes nonexistent and her lips finally land on mine, the beginningof something incomparable. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now