Baby Blues

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Maya's POV

"Honey I'm so happy for you" I exclaim as I throw my arms around my best friend.

"Thanks Peaches" she replies happily. "We're pretty excited" she admits.

"I'm sure" I reply. "You and Lucas have been through so much. You deserve this" I smile as we pull apart. Lucas and Riley had been married for almost four years and they've been trying to conceive with no avail. Then with one round of IVF my best friend was almost four months pregnant and she'd just found out she was having twins. I was so incredibly happy for her.

"Thanks" she smiles, "but what about you and my uncle?" she asks, raising her eyebrow at me. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest.

"It's complicated" I reply sadly. Because it was complicated. Incredibly so. Josh didn't want kids.

"He'll come around" she insists with a bright smile.

"I hope so."


*Five Months Later*

"This can't be happening" I insist as I stand in the bathroom staring down at the multiple tests splayed out over the counter. I had taken six and all of them had come back with the same result. Josh was going to be so upset. I knew his position on kids and yet we were having one regardless.

"Maya" Josh calls. I quickly shove all the tests into the trash and open the door.

"What's up?" I ask my husband as calmly as I can manage.

"Lucas just called. Riley is in labor" he explains making my heart stop.

"We gotta go" I insist, brushing past him. He chuckles and follows after me. We climb into the car and drive to the hospital, all the while my nerves are on edge. Between worrying about Riley and worrying about Josh's reaction to the baby I was carrying I was a wreck.

"You okay baby?" he asks, taking my hand in his. I look up at him and force a smile.

"Yep" I reply unconvincingly but he drops it regardless. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down as we inch closer to the hospital. When we finally get there we ascend the stairs and rush to the desk to get Riley's room number. The woman reads it off the computer monitor and we rush off down the hall. When we walk in there's absolute chaos surrounding us making my heart sink. Something was wrong. "Lucas what's going on?" I ask worriedly as I wander over to my best friend's husband.

"Something is wrong with one of the twins" he replies distraught. "They don't know much but it doesn't look good" he says softly making tears pool in my eyes. Josh's arm wraps around me comfortingly but the sweet gesture just makes me feel worse and suddenly I feel incredibly nauseous.

"I'm gonna be sick" I exclaim as I rush out of the room and find the nearest bathroom. I throw up and feel a little better but the gnawing worry in the pit of my stomach is still there. I throw cold water onto my face and take a deep breath before heading back to the room. Josh is outside. "What's going on?" I ask worriedly.

"I don't know" he shakes his head. "Some machine started beeping and I got kicked out" he explains. I collapse into the seat beside him and do something I haven't done since I was a little girl. I pray.


Penelope Elizabeth Friar is born at 11:09 pm. She's blonde with her mother's eyes and nose and she's absolutely perfect.

James Gabriel Friar is born at 11:10 pm. He's a literal clone of his father. I'm watching him from the window of the NICU trying to hold back tears. He can't breathe on his own, compared to his big sister he's under-developed. Penelope was ready to meet the world but James sure wasn't. They're not sure what happened. It's a medical mystery, one that could cost my best friend her son.

"You okay?" Josh asks, wrapping his arm around my waist. I clench my eyes shut and wiggle out of his grasp.

"No" I reply honestly, opening my eyes again and locking them on the fragile baby in front of me.

"I couldn't even imagine" he shakes his head. "This is why I won't ever have a kid" he adds seriously, "after what happened when I was born and now this." My heart sinks.

"Josh I'm pregnant" I say softly, closing my eyes again so I don't have to see his face.

"What?" he asks softly. I open my eyes and see the confusion written on my husband's face. "How? We're always so careful."

"I missed a pill" I explain. "I'm so sorry. It's all my fault and I know you don't want kids" I ramble.

"Baby" he sighs, grabbing my hand and pulling me into his arms. "It's not that I don't want them it's that I'm worried about this happening" he gestures to the NICU. "I almost died Maya. I'm terrified of that happening to my own kid."

"Well" I take a deep breath. "Do you not want me to-?" I trail off unable to finish my sentence as tears fill my eyes. The thought of not having this baby killed me. I wanted a family with Josh. It was all I wanted.

"What?" he asks, shock written on his face. "Maya we're having the baby" he assures me, rubbing his hands down my back soothingly. "I'm just terrified" he admits making me chuckle.

"That makes two of us." Silence falls around us for a few seconds before a small smile pulls at Josh's lips.

"So a baby huh?" he asks making me smile as I nod. "Wow."

"I know" I chuckle. "Think we can handle it?"

"I think we can handle anything" he smiles, caressing my cheek and leaning into kiss me.

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