A Flight to Remember

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Maya's POV

Studying Spanish for four years certainty has it's perks. That's all I can think as we sit in the airport preparing for our flight to Spain. I couldn't believe it when the trip was announced and I was even more shocked when my mom and Shawn told me they could actually afford to send me.

Now, it's the week after graduation and I'm sitting beside Riley who won't stop fidgeting. "Is something wrong?" I demand, growing annoyed.

"Hm?" she hums, glancing over at me. "Everything is fine. Why would you think something was wrong? What have you heard?"

I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Riles relax" I chuckle. "I haven't heard any-."

"Sorry I'm late. Señora didn't get me pre-check" a low, masculine voice teases causing my eyes to widen as I drag my eyes up to meet his.

"Josh?" I gasp.

He smiles, fixing his backpack on his shoulder. "Hey gorgeous" he smirks causing my heart to flutter.

"Flight #203 to Barcelona, Spain is now boarding" the speaker above us crackles to life and Señora Feinstein-Chang claps her hands, moving to stand in front of us.

"Make sure you sit in your correct seat and remember even though you're all graduates of Abigail Adams you're still representing the school so behave" she says pointedly.

We nod before standing up and heading over to the ticket lady. I hand over my ticket and she gives me a polite smile as she scans it and wishes me safe travels.

I start down the terminal and jump when I feel Josh's hand on the small of my back. "How've you been gorgeous?" he asks. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth and glance up at him.

"I've been good...for the past two days" I reply playfully. "You didn't think to mention to me that you were coming?" I ask as we step onto the plane.

"When did I have the time?" he asks innocently. "Whenever we weren't with our families we were a little busy with other things."

I blush, stopping in front of my seat while Josh steps out of the way of the aisle.

Josh had come to my graduation as a surprise and while I was beyond excited to see him it was becoming hard to hide that Josh and I's relationship was a bit more...intimate than we let on.

"Um maybe before or after we did those other things" I reply snippily. "You should've told me."

"Okay perhaps I should've but I can't go back and change things so how about we just call it a pleasant surprise and move on?"

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair as I look over at Riley who had taken her seat diagonal from mine. "Riley can't know we're" I trail off, dragging my gaze back to him.

"Having sex?" he whispers. "Babe I won't say a word."

I let out a breath of relief. "Good. I mean, I just-I don't see the point in telling people unless we make a commitment-."

"Sweetheart I get it" he smiles. "Relax and uh take a seat" he adds as he sits in the seat beside the window.

I quirk an eyebrow at him and he chuckles, holding his ticket out to me. Sure enough...his seat was right next to mine.

~ ✈💙✈ ~

The flight is long. I spend much of the time playing Mario Cart with Riley on our Nintendo D.S. systems that we refuse to part with while trying to ignore the obvious tension between me and Josh.

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