Move In Day ✅

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Maya's POV

"Maya are you sure we're in the right hallway?" Shawn asks, concern lacing his voice as we push through the student infested hallway.

It's move in day at NYU for my freshman year and my parents and Riley were in the midst of helping me move in.

"Yes dad I'm sure" I reply, rolling my eyes in annoyance. I knew he wasn't too happy with my decision to live on campus but it was my decision and I was beyond excited.

We finally reach my dorm and I unlock the door smiling. I was lucky enough to get a single and not have to worry about getting a roommate after Riley bailed on me. We were gonna share the room but she decided to live at home for her first year, I was hoping to convince her to move into the dorms with me next year.

Riley. Where was Riley? She was behind me a second ago.

"Where's Riles?" I ask confused looking between my mom and dad before looking past them around the crowded hallway.

"I think she's in the hall, she was talking to a boy. I didn't get a good look at who he was" my mom says, making me laugh. Lucas was living in the dorms and he no doubt sought out his girlfriend knowing that she was helping me move in. I walk out into the hallway myself and my breath gets caught in my throat because Riley isn't talking to Lucas.

She's talking to Josh.

"Josh" I murmur in disbelief as I look at him. I hadn't seen him since my freshman year of high school. We both got too caught up in our own lives to make time to see each other.

I look him up and down. He looks so different yet the same. He's not wearing his beanie anymore but his hair is styled perfectly messy. He still rocks a pair of jeans better than anyone I know and he's wearing the same black v-neck that I remember him wearing on the day of my "date" with Farkle, except now he has the muscles to fill it out perfectly.

"Maya?" Josh asks as if he thinks this is all an illusion.

"Hi" I reply nervously. I looked like a mess. My hair was thrown up in a messy bun and I was wearing a racer back tank top that exposed almost the entire sports bra I wore underneath and I had on a pair of short work out shorts. In summary not the look I wanted to be sporting when seeing him again.

"You look-" he starts as his eyes run down my body. "Different" he finishes as he looks back up at me.

"Yea well it's been a while" I tease cracking a smile.

"Well you grew up gorgeous" he replies smiling.

"Um. I'll give you both a minute to catch up" Riley says excusing herself from the conversation.

"How have you been Maya?" he asks as he walks a bit closer to me.

"I've been good. Excited to start school" I answer simply.

"That'll wear off" he laughs.

"Probably" I agree laughing along with him. "How about you? How are you."

"I'm good. About to be done with this place so that's a plus."

"Oh yea you're a senior" I think aloud, remembering that even though we both might be in college now he was still three years older.

"Yea" he nods. "And you're a freshman. It's crazy how time flies."

"Yea it is" I agree, looking down at the ground, unsure of what I should say next.

"So" he says breaking the silence. "Are you-?" he starts before trailing off as if afraid to ask his question. "Are you dating anyone?" he finally asks and my heart stops.

"Um" I stutter. "I was" I confess not letting myself look him in the eyes.

"Was? What happened?" he asks concerned.

I shrug. "Nothing. Summer ended and I had to get back to reality and plus he never compared to-" I explain before cutting myself off realizing what I was about to say.

"To who?" Josh asks intrigued.

"No one. Just a guy." I respond trying my best to sound convincing.

"Just a guy?" Josh asks as he closes the distance between us.

"Just a guy I had a stupid crush on" I confess looking up at him.

"I thought it wasn't a crush" Josh taunts as he lifts my chin up so that I'm looking up at him. "You're not a little kid anymore Maya. Maybe I should stop looking at you like one" he continues as he tucks a strand of hair that had fallen out of my bun, behind my ear.

"What does that mean?" I ask looking into his eyes seriously.

"It means someday Maya" he whispers and suddenly I lose all ability to breathe. He remembered someday. He still wanted someday. "Or in this case Friday. Dinner? You and me. What do you say gorgeous?"

"Pick me up at six" I reply, smiling up at him.

"Perfect" Josh agrees before turning away from me and I know I shouldn't push my luck but I can't help myself.

"Josh" I shout making him turn around to face me. "Does this mean we're playing the long game again?"

"Gorgeous I never stopped" he answers, smiling widely at me before turning the corner and escaping from my line of view.

I can't help but smile as I walk back into my dorm. My parents are nowhere to be seen but Riley is sitting on my bed smirking at me.

"Where are my parents?" I ask confused.

"They went to get the rest of your stuff" she answers quickly. "Now onto important things. What's going on with you and my uncle?" she asks smirking at me.

When she asks the question I know there's only one possible answer. So I smile up at my best friend and reply, "the long game."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now