bet you wanna

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Inspired By: bet you wanna by Sabrina Carpenter 

It was Josh's idea to go out tonight. I would've been fine with a quiet night in but he insisted that we go out to celebrate my first, big sale. Becoming a professional artist was always a risky career move but Josh has never wavered in his support. And when I had my first gallery showing this weekend he was there on my arm talking me up to any and everyone who would listen. 

How I got so lucky, I'll never know. 

And then one of my paintings sold. And the zeros attached to the sale damn near caused my jaw to come unattached. Thus, my boyfriend insisting we go out on the town to celebrate. 

"You look like a million bucks." Josh smirks coming up behind me to slip his hands around my waist. I was standing in front of our floor length mirror checking myself from every angle to  ensure the dress I'd chosen wasn't too indecent. The neckline plunged to showcase the swell of my breasts and the back swooped to expose my back but so long as I didn't bend over, the shiny silver dress should keep everything important covered. 

"You think so?" I ask, leaning my weight back against him. He was dressed in a pair of slacks and a nice, sleeved button down, unbuttoned just enough to see the alluring jut of his collarbones. 

Joshua Matthews, arguably the sexiest man I've ever laid eyes on and somehow after years of pining and someday I was able to call him mine. 

"I do." He nods, kissing my neck and upwards to the line of my jaw. "Maybe I was wrong to suggest going out tonight. I'd much rather see this scrap of fabric on our bedroom floor than on a dancefloor."

My entire body flushes and the nether regions of my anatomy respond in kind. Really, it should be illegal how simple it is for Josh to turn me on. A single sentence and I was weak in the knees, ready to agree to staying home tonight even though going out was his idea. 

"Perhaps there's a way for you to have both." I reply, a smile playing at my lips as I feel the affect I have on my boyfriend growing against my backside. "We go to the club, I get you a little more riled up-."

"I think we'd agree I'm pretty riled already."

I chuckle, "call if foreplay."

"Call it torture." He argues, pouting like the spoiled man he is. The amount of times I've ever turned Josh down coming out to a whopping zero. We were both alike in that way; never able to have enough of each other but he'd promised me a night out and I was dressed up and ready to go. He was going to have to wait. 

"It'll be fun." I assure him. 

And I'd been right. 

A small, sultry club on the eastside of the city; lowkey enough that there was no bouncer or cover but known enough that there was barely enough room to move without bumping into someone. The energy was electric with music loud enough to make it hard to focus on anything else, playing songs that encouraged you to dance as close to your partner as humanely possible without shedding clothing. 

Simply put, it was hot. 

By the time the eighth song starts I'm lost in the motions. My body warm and slick with sweat while Josh's firm grip presses into my swaying hips, guiding me in a rhythm that's driving us both mad. I'm unbelievably worked up, so much so that when his lips fall to the shell of my ear, my entire body jolts at the contact.  

And his low and sexy chuckle in response doesn't help matters. "It's taking everything in me not to slip my hands under this excuse of a dress." He murmurs, his right hand sliding around to my backside that was pressed snugly against his front. "If there weren't someone watching us, I swear Maya-." He doesn't get to finish his sentence because my entire body goes still hearing his words. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now