A Better Game ✅

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Trigger Warning: Domestic Abuse

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*Inspired By: Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes*

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Maya's POV

I'm sitting in my apartment alone sobbing uncontrollably staring at the door that Charlie just stormed out of. I can't call Riley because she's on a date with Lucas, Farkle and Smackle are on a science retreat and Zay is in Texas. I was alone.

Except. Him.

My head starts to spin and I spend the next five minutes trying to talk myself out of my awful idea. I can't possibly reach out to Josh. He was the boy who had finally admitted he liked me only to leave again. He was the boy that has inevitably held my heart from the moment he walked into the Matthews' house that Christmas before my fourteenth birthday.

He had just gotten back into town for the summer because he was taking summer classes at NYU to prepare him for his fall semester.

I sigh deeply looking down at my phone hesitantly. I didn't want to admit it but I knew that if he really was in it for the long game that he would help me. I take a deep breath and dial Josh's number.

"Maya?" he asks in concern. We talked every once in a while but it was almost eleven o'clock, I never called this late.

"Hey" I greet him faking enthusiasm, "I need someone to talk to. Could you come over?" I ask trying to hold back my tears.

"Maya is everything okay? You sound upset" he says worriedly.

"I don't want to talk about it over the phone. Can you please just come over?" I ask as I start to tear up again awaiting his response. After a few seconds I still don't receive an answer. "Josh" I whine.

"I'll be there in five minutes" he responds snapping back to reality before hanging up the phone. I take a breath hoping I wouldn't regret this.

~ 🎶🎵🎶~

Josh's POV

I walk into the Hunter's apartment three minutes later opening the door with the key I swiped from the hook in Riley's bedroom while she was fast asleep. I open the door quickly to reveal Maya sitting on the couch crying, she's wearing a pair of yoga pants and a concert tee that she usually wears at her sleepovers at my brother's house. She has her hair up in a messy bun and her makeup is a mess from the tears running down her face.

"Maya. What the hell happened?" I ask looking down at her as I walk over to the couch and take a seat next to her. When I come face to face with her I realize that she has a black eye and bruises covering her arms and I hoped nowhere else but I knew better.

"I fell" she says attempting to throw me off by avoiding eye contact with me but she fails.

"Maya" I say softly, grabbing her hand, careful not to touch her anywhere that might cause her pain. "Who did this to you?" I question, looking into her gorgeous blue eyes.

"Charlie" she admits as tears stream down her face. The name rings a bell and after a few seconds it hits me. Charlie was a guy that tried to go out with Riley but he got turned down when she started dating Lucas. With me gone and Maya technically single, she must have become his new target. I felt sick to my stomach. I shouldn't have gone back to Philly.

"I'll be back" I exclaim letting go of her hands as I stand up abruptly, walking towards the door.

"Josh where are you going?" she panics, jumping off the couch to stop me.

"You know where I'm going Maya. I'm going to go kick that guy's ass, you may not be my girlfriend but there's no fucking excuse for what he did to you and I swear to god, if he does it again I'll kill him" I shout looking down at her as she stands in front of me.

"Josh please. Just stay with me" she cries causing me to start breaking. "Please" she begs tears soaking her gorgeous face. I can't believe anyone would lay a hand on her. I can't believe I left her.

"Fine" I reply rubbing my neck with my hand and walking back over to the couch with her. We sit back down and she snuggles up next to me laying her head on my stomach but I don't know where to put my arm.

"You can put your arm around me. Just be gentle" she says and I do. I see her flinch slightly but after a few seconds she relaxes into my arms.

"Maya" I ask, tears threatening to run down my face at any second.

"Hmm?" she asks sounding peaceful for the first time since I got here.

"Are there bruises where my hand is?" I ask closing my eyes trying to brace myself for her answer. She nods her head slowly, snuggling closer to me and burying her face in my chest.

"Maya" I cry as I pull her closer, tears falling from my face uncontrollably. "Please tell me he didn't" I start but I can't finish the sentence. The thought of him forcing himself on her makes me feel even sicker.

"No. He tried but I fought him off. That's how this happened" she explains sitting up and looking at me with her tear stained face.

I silently thank god for that one miracle. "I'm so sorry Maya" I say reaching out to touch her face, wiping away her tears.

"Why? You didn't do this" she argues.

"But I should've been here. I promised you someday and I left. If I would've been here." I pause, looking at the girl I've been in love with since I was seventeen. I gaze into her beautiful blue eyes and whisper, "I could treat you better Maya."

"Then do it" she challenges. She's still three years younger than me, only seventeen but I can't help it. I love her so without any further hesitation I step forward and kiss her.

For a second she doesn't kiss me back and I panic, about to step back when she finally responds and moves her lips with mine. Her hands find their way to the nape of my neck playing with my hair while my hands rest on her waist carefully, pulling her closer. The kiss is everything I ever imagined it could be as her lips move soft and slow against mine.

It's me and Maya. Finally.

After a few seconds she pulls away breathlessly. "Wow" she smiles not making any effort to let me go. "That was definitely worth the wait" she giggles.

"I love you so much Maya" I reply without thinking and I see her eyes widen as the words leave my mouth. "I mean-I-" I try but she stops me by placing her lips back on mine before pulling away with a soft smile gracing her lips.

"I love you too Josh" she admits smiling at me sweetly, her arms still wrapped around my neck. "Help me" she pleads starting to cry again. "Please don't leave me again."

"I'm not going anywhere Maya. We're going to get through this together" I assure her, grabbing her hands.

"Long game?" she asks looking up at me.

"Long game."

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