What Happened?

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Maya's POV

Should I have yelled at Josh?

Probably not.

Should I have left the house?

Probably not.

Should I have yelled at Josh and left the house in the middle of a snowstorm?

Definitely not.

Of course this doesn't occur to me until I'm standing on the side of the road with my car stuck in a ditch that I swerved off into. I broke down and called Josh to come and get me and he promised he'd be here as fast as he can. I see his headlights pulling up through the falling snow, watching the tall brunette stalk over to me.

"Maya what the hell happened?" he shouts over the wind that was blowing violently around us.

"I swerved" I reply simply making him roll his eyes as he looks between me and the car.

"There's no way we're getting this damn thing out of this ditch tonight. We'll have to leave it and come back to get it tomorrow morning. Get in" he insists. I sigh, reaching into my car to grab the keys and locking it before climbing into Josh's warm BMW, it was much nicer than my old Chevy Malibu that I bought in high school. We sit in silence as I work the thermostat, making the hot air blow a little harder so I can warm up. "Here take these" he insists as he hands me his gloves.

"Thanks" I mumble, not chancing a look up at him. I'm mad at him, or at least I'm supposed to be. Our fight was the same one we've been having for months, an argument that was constantly fueled by our insistent families. Josh and I had gotten married a little over six months ago, I was out of school, teaching art at Abigail Adams while Josh was still in school working towards a Master's degree in teaching, a minor in history.

"You left" he says quietly under his breath, his eyes glued to the road.

"I had nothing left to say Josh. You've made it clear that your degree is more important than starting a family with me" I reply honestly.

"Maya I never said that" he sighs as his grip on the wheel tightens. "I just said I'd like to be done before we think about it" he adds making me laugh.

"Maybe you should've thought about that" I mutter under my breath as we pull up to the house.

"What was that?" he asks but I shake my head as I push open my door, sprinting upstairs to our room. I grab a bag and start packing, watching Josh rush into the room. "Maya Penelope Matthews where are you going?" he shouts as he grips my wrist stopping me. The grip is light and definitely easy enough to break but I don't want to. I want to fix this but I can't.

"To Riley's" I say simply.

"Why? Maya when we got married you said you were okay with waiting a few more years to start a family. What the hell happened?" he asks as a tear falls down his face.

"New Year's happened" I whisper, looking down at the ground. I don't know how long it takes Josh to realize what exactly happened between us on New Year's but suddenly he lets me go and takes a step back.

"When we?" he trails off, wide eyed.

"When we got wasted and ended up having sex on Riley and Lucas' couch" I finish for him as my eyes sting with the tears I refuse to let fall. "I'm pregnant Josh, that's what happened" I admit finally as I turn back to my bag, packing quickly but this time it's my waist he catches as he pulls me against his chest.

"You're not leaving" he says seriously. "You can't anyway, you have no car" he adds amused letting a small laugh escape my lips. "You didn't think in all our fighting that this would be a vital piece of information?" he asks seriously as he clings to me.

"How was I supposed to tell you? You were so adamant that we had to wait and when I found out" I trail off as I break away from him. "Josh I was supposed to feel happy and excited and instead I sat on our bathroom floor and cried for almost two hours. I knew you would be upset and I knew I couldn't tell you."

"I'm not upset" he says simply and this time I'm the shocked one. "Maya I wanted to wait because I'd have a job, we'd have stability, it's not because I didn't want a family with you. I feel like an ass now honestly" he adds as he steps closer to me again. "I'm sorry I made you feel like this baby was something I wouldn't want, I just didn't want to have so much to juggle" he laughs lightly. "Then again you and I have never really followed a plan" he smiles sweetly.

"Not really" I smile back. "So what are we gonna do?"

"Tomorrow we're gonna go get your car" he starts, a smirk playing on his lips, "and then we are gonna schedule an ultrasound so we can see our baby" he says sweetly. "We're gonna be okay Maya" he insists as he looks down into my eyes.

"I love you" I whisper as I look up at him.

"I love you too" he replies as his lips land on mine, both of us stumbling back onto the bed where we make up for the rest of the night.

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