First and Last ✅

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Maya's POV

Only Josh could convince me to work on homework on a Friday night.

Throughout my freshman year at NYU study dates had become a usual thing with us and tonight was no different. I was lying on his bed while he sat at his desk with music playing softly in the background.

It had been about a year since we got together and upon moving into the dorms at NYU we started spending more and more time together until finally I started sleeping in his room most nights but, despite my best efforts those nights were filled with nothing but cuddling and making out. Every move I made to try and take things further Josh shot down, never letting us go farther than second base.

It was getting extremely frustrating to keep putting myself out there and continuously get turned down.

"You okay gorgeous?" Josh asks me, looking up from his textbook as he realizes that I'm lost in thought.

I lift my gaze to meet his and bring my bottom lip between my teeth. "Do you love me?"

His eyes widen in shock. "Maya, what kind of question is that? You know I love you. I tell you that all the time" he adds confusedly.

I sigh, sitting up on his bed and crossing my legs. "Okay but are you attracted to me?"

"Is this a trick question?" he asks, seemingly confused and lost as to where this all came from. 

"No it's not" I reply seriously, crossing my arms over my chest in frustration.

His eyes narrow as he leans back in his chair. "Unbelievable" he scoffs, turning back around for a split second to compose himself before standing up and walking towards me. He kneels before me and takes a deep breath. "Maya, I wouldn't be dating you if I wasn't attracted to you" he says matter of factly.

"Okay" I reply, dragging out the y. "Then it has to be my age. Is that it?" I question, upset at myself for even bringing the three year age gap to his attention. 

"Maya where is all this coming from? What is this about?" he exclaims in annoyance and frustration.

I groan, jumping off the bed. "Are you planning on ever going further than second base with me?" I exclaim as I begin pacing the floor. "Do you not want to sleep with me? I mean, we've been together for over a year. I'm eighteen. I love you, you love me. It's not even something we've talked about but I think-I think maybe we should!"

He lets out a deep sigh, rubbing his neck nervously before making his way towards me. "Maya, of course it's something I want to do. I love you so much baby it's just-" he trails off, peaking my interest.

"What? It's my age isn't it?" I demand but he shakes his head.

"No baby, it's not your age. It's-it's a lot of pressure on me" he admits sitting back down. "I've had sex before Maya and you haven't. When it happens it has to be perfect" he insists.

Suddenly it becomes clear that as nervous I was about the entire situation it was nothing compared to the pressure Josh felt. Josh isn't the type to take things like this lightly so I knew he wasn't lying when he said it had to be perfect because he wouldn't let it be any less and I loved him for that.

"Josh" I murmur, sitting on his lap as I wrap my arms around his neck. "It doesn't have to be perfect. All I want is to have this experience with you, I want you to be my first."

"But that's the thing Maya" he says looking up at me and caressing my cheek tenderly. "You want me to be your first and I want you to be my last" he admits causing my eyes to widen.

"Josh, are you proposing?" I gape at him making him chuckle.

"No" he says shakes his head. "But I'm going to...someday" he adds with a loving smile. "I even bought you this" he adds, reaching into the nightstand drawer and pulling out a small box.

He hands it to me and I smile widely as I open it. Inside is a small ring with a blue stone in the middle of a simple silver band. "It's a promise ring. A promise to someday. A real one this time. Someday I am going to propose to you and hopefully make you my wife and then we'll have tons of kids running around the house. I want to be your first Maya but I also want to be your last" he finishes causing my heart to swell.

"Good because that's all I ever wanted" I reply as tears start running down my face. "I love you" I murmur as I lean in to kiss him.

"So you'll wear the ring?" he asks as we pull away from each other.

"Absolutely" I reply through my tears as he slides it onto my finger. "Someday?" I ask. looking up at my boyfriend.

"Someday" he agrees as our lips meet again and this time there is no stopping and despite Josh's worries, it's beyond perfect.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now