Going Door to Door

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A/N: Happy Halloween witches! Okay I know it's not technically Halloween but it's the beginning of Halloween one shots so every MONDAY of October one shots will be Halloween themed! Hope you all enjoy and have a scary good time reading them 🎃


Maya's POV

"I really don't think this is a good idea" Riley insists but I wave her off as I fix the skirt of my sexy nurse costume.

"You worry too much" I reply as Auggie walks into the room wearing his costume. He had decided to dress up as a pirate this year complete with an eyepatch and a parrot on his shoulder.

"Is it time to go yet?" he asks annoyed, crossing his arms over his chest. Riley adjusts the princess crown on her head and nods.

"I guess" she sighs. I smirk as I grab medical bag I was using for candy.

"Good. Let's get going" I smile as I lead them out of the bedroom.

I knew Riley thought this was a bad idea and I knew in the end she may turn out to be completely right but I had to risk it. Tonight at NYU they were having trick or treat in the dorm hallways and I had made it my mission to find Josh tonight.

We catch the subway and from there it's a short walk to the campus. We arrive only a tad late but the trick or treat is still in full swing when we open the door. "Alright Aug, you ready?" I ask looking down at the curly haired boy beside me.

"Why don't you just go find Josh" Riley suggests unamusedly. "I'll take Aug around campus."


"You don't actually care about getting candy" she points out.

"No but she wants some sugar" Auggie smirks making me gape at the young boy.

"Alright enough" I snap playfully. "Why are you so upset Riles?" I ask confused.

She sighs, shrugging her shoulders. "I just don't want you to walk in on something but the faster you find him the faster yoy drop this."

"Wow" I shake my head. "You really gave faith in us huh?"

She sighs, running her fingers through her hair. "I don't trust my uncle. I have no reason to" she says simply. "I hope you prove me wrong but I really don't want you getting hurt."

I nod in understanding. "I know you don't. I'll be fine. I promise. He won't be with another girl" I insist before turning and heading in the general direction I know his dorm is located in.

I look around, glancing at the wipe boards on everyone's doors and try to locate the one with Josh's name. After about three minutes of wandering I stumble upon it and take a deep breath as I raise my hand to knock at the exact moment someone opens the door. I gasp when I look up to find a gorgeous blonde walking out of the room adjusting the buttons on her sailor costume. "Sorry" she giggles when she sees me.

She brushes past me and I feel tears stinging in the back of my eyes as I stumble backwards. Riley was right. Of course she was right. She's Riley, she's never wrong. I move to my right to leave the hall when I run right into someone. I look up to meet a pair of deep blue eyes gazing back at me.

"In a hurry?" he chuckles as he reaches his hands out to steady me.

"Um" I stutter. "I-." I pause, wiping at my eyes. "Weren't you just in your room?" I ask, pointing behind me.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "That's Josh Robbins' room, mine is a bit further down" he explains. "Common mistake."

"I thought" I trail off. "I thought you were with a girl" I say softly.

He smile and shrugs. "I am" he says causing my heart to droo before he takes my chin and lifts it so our eyes lock together once more. "I'm with you" he smiles.

"I came to surprise you."

"Well I'm quite pleased with my surprise" he smirks causing a blush to rise on my cheeks. "Are you here alone?" he asks curiously, pulling me to the side so we could talk.

"No" I shake my head. "Riles and Aug are out getting candy. I was too distracted to entertain the idea of trick or treating."

"Well I'm glad to hear that" he smiles. "Why don't we find them, get some candy and then I'll treat all three of you to an awful cafeteria dinner."

I giggle as I nod my head. "That sounds perfect" I assure him. "But you need a costume" I insist causing him to laugh.

"How about I dress up as your boyfriend" he suggests making my eyes go wide. He chuckles as he steps a tad closer to me. "Sound good?"

"More than good" I insist as I reach up for a short kiss.

"Happy Halloween girlfriend" he whispers as we pull apart.

"Happy Halloween boyfriend."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now