Six Feet Apart

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A/N: It's hard not to let your words and your work be influenced by what's happening around you and so, when the idea came to me to write a one shot based in our current world and the struggles we're facing. I couldn't help myself. Now, don't worry. It's cute and fluffy as most my one shots are but it does deal with themes of self-isolation and social distancing. If you're struggling and don't have interest in reading this one, I totally understand. I hope you're all doing well though and I'll be back with more one shots soon!

Maya's POV

Bored would be an understatement. When I rented my apartment it was leased with the thought of the bustling city around me, the cafe just minutes down the street and the yoga studio outside my front door. But now, that city was a ghost town and I had already spent nearly a week staring at the empty walls around me. 

Riley had a bigger apartment a way's down the block that she shared with Lucas which meant she was well entertained while we were all stuck indoors but me, I was all alone. And losing my damn mind. 

Online classes were taking up some of my time but mostly I just spent the days binging show after show on Netflix. I had watched three to completion in the span of six days. 

Clearly, I needed a hobby. 

Today though, it's gorgeous outside and since I have a balcony I take my homework outdoors and listen to the now silent sounds of the city below me. Not a car or person in sight for miles. 

I release a deep sigh and get to work on my journal entry for my composition class but unfortunately, it's not long until my silence is interrupted by a manly voice beside me. I startle, nearly knocking my laptop off my small bistro table in surprise as my head whips around to find my neighbor smirking at me. 

Joshua Matthews. He had moved in right after me, swearing that he had no idea I was even looking at this place when we first ran into each other in the hall. Alas, it didn't really matter. He was here as was I. 

Self-isolation was a bitch. 

"Josh. Six feet" I remind him, slamming my laptop shut and standing up for emphasis. He rolls his eyes, leaning his arms atop the railing between our two balconies. And try as I might, my eyes can't seem to stop themselves from staring at the ripple in his biceps. I swallow harshly, scolding myself and reminding myself that this is just my body's response to being alone. 

"Whatever you say, gorgeous" he replies, folding his hands while I lean my back against the opposite fence, putting as much distance as possible between us. "Have you lost your mind yet?" He asks, knowing well already that I've indeed lost it. I didn't know how I'd make it another three weeks. 

"Have you?" Josh worked as a professor so he wasn't exactly bored but he also had a fast lifestyle. Bars, nightclubs and women every single weekend. Not that I noticed or cared...that much. 

"Eh. My students are keeping me busy" he shrugs. "How's class going? I could help if you needed it."

I shake my head. "I'm good. Thanks. And besides, we're distancing. Remember?"

"Yea well, distancing myself from you has never been my strong suit" he replies, a soft smile tugging at his lips that makes my heart skip a beat. I gnaw on my bottom lip and decisively avert my eyes to the ground. "You know, maybe when we're all allowed to leave our homes'd maybe let me take you out." 

My eyes snap up to meet his. "I'm sorry. What?"

He laughs. "Don't play dumb gorgeous."

I scoff. "I'm not playing! Are you suggesting that you want to take me on a date? You? The notorious Joshua Matthews who molds young minds by day and seduces women by night?"

He rakes his hand through his hair, settling it on his neck for a long, thoughtful moment. "It's distracting. Riles told me that I couldn't make a move until I was sure...she didn't want me to ruin our friendship for some exploration of feelings-."

"Hold on. What?" I'm really wishing I didn't legally have to keep my feet planted six feet away from him right now. 


"How long have you liked me? And why the hell did you talk to Riley about it and not me?" I exclaim. Riley was lucky she was safe in isolation miles away from me. 

"I don't know. I was scared. I still am. I haven't actually gotten your answer yet." He reminds me. 

It's like the wind has been knocked out of me as I stare at him, my words lost somewhere in my throat. I stare at his kind blue eyes, the color of the ocean that's miles away from us and unreachable for the time being. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. 

"Just think about it" he presses, standing up to leave. "I'm not going anywhere" he adds with a soft chuckle, heading back into his apartment. 


Later that night I can't sleep. I toss and I turn but it's no use. So, I grab my laptop and do the most logical thing I can think of. "Maya? It's three in the morning" Josh says drowsily, staring at me through the screen. He too was lying in bed but it's clear that unlike me, he was asleep. His hair is disheveled and he's shirtless too, his eyes narrow as they try to adjust to the light of his phone. 

"I think I have my answer" I tell him abruptly. He raises an eyebrow at me. 


"I'll go on a date with you." He opens his mouth to respond but I beat him to it. "But I get to pick the time and the place."

He chuckles. "Alright Maya. It's a date" he concedes, letting out a yawn. "Now, can I go back to sleep? I have a big day ahead of me."

I roll my eyes. "Oh yea. What show are you binging tomorrow?" 

And somehow, we talk like that. All night. It's not until the sun pierces through my window that we both decide to hang up begrudgingly, making a date to both do our work, six feet apart, on our balconies tomorrow and for the first time in forever....I'm looking forward to tomorrow.   

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now