Trust in Us

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Josh's POV

I've done some things in my life that I'm not too proud of...but this has to be the worst.

Staring at the message on Maya's phone, I know that I should leave it alone; let things happen the way they're supposed to but what if that means that she chooses him. What if she decides that she's had her fun with me, and she wants someone else...someone more alike her?

I read the message again, thinking that perhaps I've just misunderstood it the first seventeen times I've read it...but that's not the case.

The text is from a guy in her art class, Nick, and from the looks of it, they've been texting a lot back and forth since the semester started and recently, the texts have changed from innocent, friendly conversation to flirtatious taunting and teasing. The kinds of conversations you'd see exchanged between her and I if you went through our messages.

I glance back at the bathroom where the water runs steadily letting on that she's still in the shower and sigh. I could make his most recent message disappear, the invitation to dinner, with the single click of a button but I couldn't imagine that would end well for me if Maya ever found out.

"Dammit" I mutter, my conscience getting the best of me. I put the phone back down where she left it and pick myself up off the bed to walk into my adjoining bathroom; a perk of living in a frat house. Maybe the only perk.

The bath/shower combo isn't ideal, but it works it's purpose and allows me to slide into the shower behind Maya without scaring her. She glances over her shoulder at me as I wrap my arms around her waist, nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck.

If this were going to be our last night together, I would make it count. "Hey stranger" she giggles, reaching up to thread her fingers through my hair. "Couldn't wait for me to be done, huh?" I skirt my fingertips along her waistline and revel in the way her breath hitches; no matter how many times I've touched her, she always had the same addicting reaction. "Josh." My name a breathy sigh as it leaves her lips the second I touch her between her legs. Her fingers tug at my hair and before I know it she's turning around to face me and crashing her lips onto mine.

I hug her closer, moving my fingers deftly in and out, bringing her so incredibly close until it all comes rushing back to me. The texts, the flirtations; all of this means nothing to her. She has another guy who'll be good for her, be good to her. A guy that'll give her the label she deserves. I rip myself away from her, panting as it all becomes too much. "Josh? W-what just happened?"

Unable to answer her, I climb out and grab the nearest towel, draping it around my waist and hurrying back into my room. I hear her footsteps following me. "Josh! What the hell?" She demands, holding her towel closed. "Y-you can't just do that to a person."

"Oh yea?" I demand, ripping her phone off the cord and holding it up in accusation. "Tell me how what I just did to you is any worse than you flirting with some other guy?" Her eyes widen, the pieces of the puzzle shifting together in her head.

"You went through my phone." She murmurs, her voice just barely audible. "W-why would you do something like that?" She asks, hurt lacing her voice. "Don't you trust me?"

"Trust you?" I exclaim. "What reason would I have to trust you? You've been talking to another guy the entire semester!"

"Josh...we aren't exclusive."

"Yes, we are!" I shout, "do you honestly think that I'm screwing anyone else? That I'd even want to?"

Maya releases a deep sigh, calmly stalking towards me and grabbing her phone. "You had no right to go through my phone." She says definitively. "I'm going to get dressed." She adds, turning around and leaving me alone again. I slump against the wall, my heart hammering in my chest. She didn't deny it. She's really been talking to this other guy, flirting with him all the while sharing my bed.

I feel like I can't breathe. Clutching my chest, I feel the tears streaming down my face before I can stop them. The bathroom door creaks open but can't bring myself to look at her. I can't watch her leave.

"Josh." Sighing, her feet pad across the room until she's kneeled down in front of me. "Don't cry." She pleads, muttering expletives when that doesn't work to stop my crying. "Shit. Okay...I only started flirting with him because I was confused. I-I thought that after a while you would finally ask for this to be more than sex," she rambles. "And then weeks turned to months and...I don't know. Josh, please, I need you to calm down so we can talk this out. Please."

Through teary eyes, I see that she's begun to tear up. It sobers me, to see that my crying has made her emotional. "I'm sorry." I apologize, "that I didn't ask. That I ever made you feel like some random, expendable girl-."

"It's okay." She coos, petting my hair back as my sobs reduce to soft sniffles. "I forgive you." Hesitating, she release a shaky breath before adding, "I love you." Taken aback, my eyes flicker upwards to meet hers. She shakes her head in astonishment. "I can't believe I just said that. But I do. And scary as that is to admit...I needed you to know, even if you don't feel the same way."

"Maya," caressing her cheek and reveling in the way she turns into my comfort, I wonder how she could ever think that I don't feel the same; that I ever had a choice in loving her. "I love you too" I admit, releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "And if you still want heart is yours. Completely and wholly."

Her eyes darting between mine, she mutters in disbelief, "You love me?"

"Yes. I do" I nod, "and I've always wanted more than sex Maya, but I was scared. I-I thought that if I opened myself up...if I were vulnerable that I would end up losing you. But I can't deny it anymore. I need you in my life Maya, as more than the girl who keeps my bed warm. Be my girlfriend." I beg, rubbing my thumb across her cheek. "Please."

"Your girlfriend, huh? I don't know...I'm gonna need you to promise me something first. Think you can do that?" She asks, kissing my palm.

"Absolutely." I reply with complete certainty.

Taking my face between her hands, she eyes me with such an intensity that my complete certainty dwindles just a little bit. But not enough to break eye contact. "You have to promise to never, and I mean ever, go through my phone again. Understood? You have to trust me."

Unsurprised, I agree without hesitation, "I promise. From now on, I will trust you implicitly. But, while we're still on the subject...can I be the one to tell Nick that you have a boyfriend?"

"Josh." Rolling her eyes but unable to hide her smile, I pull her down to me and press my lips to hers.

My girlfriend. Finally.

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