Catching Feelings

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Maya's POV

Riley looks beautiful. And she should, it is her wedding day after all. Her brunette hair is in a complex up-do, her make-up is done to perfection and her ball gown dress is fit for a princess. She looks exactly as I'd pictured she'd look on the day she walked down the aisle. 

Of course, not everyone was thrilled about how rushed the walk down the aisle had been but when Riley found out that she and Huckleberry were expecting they had made the decision to get married as soon as possible. Some people still didn't even know and under all the tulle she was wearing, you'd never guess that she was nearly in her second trimester. 

"So, excited to walk down the aisle with a certain someone?" Topanga teases, walking away from the cloud of craziness surrounding Riley. I roll my eyes. 

It had been over ten years since I first set my sights on Riley's uncle and for a while it seemed as if something might happen between us but after he transferred colleges and I chose to study abroad, it just never came to fruition. Now, I was in my mid-twenties with a degree in art that I had no idea what to do with, living in my old childhood bedroom and single. Not exactly where I thought I'd be at this point in my life but trying to be comfortable with it. 

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?" I ask. There was no point in pretending that I don't keep up on Josh's life. I may have had boyfriends in my lifetime but there was never anyone that compared to Josh. He lived deep down in my heart where no one could reach. 

"A girlfriend? Josh? No, I don't think so." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. There was consistently this stunning blonde in all of his pictures, always draping herself all over him and laughing. I had spent too much time obsessing over her and wishing that I could take her place beside him for her not to be his girlfriend. Topanga had to have gotten her wires crossed. 

Josh has a girlfriend. I was sure of it. 


Riley won't stop fidgeting which is driving her father insane but entertaining everyone else. And honestly, it's a nice distraction from the man standing still beside me. 

Josh hadn't offered me more than a simple hello when he walked up looking all God-like in his black suit, his usually messy hair swept back and a bright smile on his face. It made my heart ache. "I like the dresses she picked out." He says abruptly. I glance up at him, almost uncertain that he actually spoke and that it wasn't actually a figment of my imagination. 

"The dresses?" He motions to the periwinkle dress that fell modestly low, past my knee and I scoff. I hated these dresses. They were the least formfitting things I've ever had to wear. "They're terrible. I don't know what you're talking about."

He shrugs as we move up, following the wedding procession. "You've always been able to pull off anything." My heart trips over itself in my chest. 

"Not this dress" I attempt to argue but the words end up coming out squeaky, like I'm a damn mouse and Josh laughs harder. 

"Whatever you say." And then we're walking into the church under everyone's watchful eyes. I think about getting married myself someday and how perhaps I'd enjoy eloping. 

Something about having everyone's eyes on me just made me nervous. Even now, knowing that they're all just looking at us in anticipation of Riley's big entrance, it makes me light-headed. "Hey." Josh's hand finds the small of my back. "You okay?" 

I nod my head but his hand still doesn't move. It stays until we reach the altar and part ways, me going to stand beside Smackle and him taking his place beside Farkle. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now