A/N: Requests/CLOSED

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Hello lovelies! First off I'd like to welcome any new readers to my one shot book. This book is filled with TONS of Joshaya so if you're interested please keep reading after this boring author's note.

For those who have been here since the beginning or have been here for quite a long time this is something you may have been waiting for or not. I don't know really 🙃 Anyway...for a while now some of you have sent me messages with your requests and the biggest issue with that is that I'm definitely guilty of not checking my PMs very often soooo I was thinking that the easiest and most effective way to do this would be to start a request page sooooo

If you have ANY REQUESTS please COMMENT them on THIS CHAPTER!!! Please do not leave them all over the book because that just makes it harder for me to find them. I really want to finally start writing some of the things you guys suggest and I really think this is the easiest way to do it.

That being said I plan to keep requests open until I get a decent amount but you'll know when they close because the name of this chapter will change to reflect the status.

That's it for now!

~Lizzie 💗

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