Baby Fever

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Maya's POV

One of the things I loved about Josh was his stubbornness; if he put his mind to something he could achieve it...usually but then there were days like today. Days where he was wasting daylight trying to put together a playground that was clearly over his head. 

I lean against the farmhouse sink in our kitchen with a glass of lemonade in my hand watching him as he tries to attach a slide to the wooden base that the workers had put together before my idiotic husband dismissed them because he could "handle" the rest. "Your husband is going to kill himself trying to put that together on his own" Farkle points out as he comes to stand beside me. He had showed up early for the party that would be held later this afternoon for Josh and I's oldest child, our daughter Scarlett who was turning six today. She was accompanied by three other siblings, three boys named, Noah, Alex and Liam. 

Noah was five years old and a complete and utter surprise after he was conceived about eight weeks after I had Scarlett while the other two boys were a tad younger as Josh and I had decided to take a small break from having kids after the first two but then Alex appeared a short year and a half later making him nearly three and Liam was our youngest at a year old.

"My husband is stubborn, you know this" I giggle, taking a sip of my juice. "Is Scar still playing with Smackle?" I ask and he smiles, nodding his head. Farkle and Smackle had waited the longest to have kids, having just announced their pregnancy a few weeks ago. "She's gonna be an awesome mom."

"I know" he beams, staring out into my backyard. "Hopefully Josh lives long enough to meet the kid or you know, make more with you" Farkle smirks and I roll my eyes. 

"I told you, we're done" I argue. He raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Yea? Because you two procreate like it's a hobby" he teases and while I'd like to argue I know I can't. The thing about mine and Josh's relationship was that we just didn't care that much about being super careful. Growing up all I wanted was a large family and Josh knew that when we got married which was why we agreed that we'd let our family grow on it's own terms. 

"We're not trying" I reply vaguely and Farkle laughs.

"And? I give you three months before you're knocked up again unless of course he does kill himself out there" he says as I look back out at the yard and find my husband underneath the slide trying to fasten it place but instead he looses his grip and it falls onto his head. I gasp, throwing my glass onto the counter and running out into the yard. 

"Josh" I shout, pushing the slide off him and resting my hands on either side of his face. "Are you okay?" I ask him breathlessly, pushing his hair off his forehead to look for bumps and bruises. Six years of being a mother had prepared me for this. 

"Baby I'm fine" he chuckles, wrapping his hand around my wrist. "But thank you for coming to my rescue."

I huff, pushing off of him and sitting in the grass. "I wouldn't have to rescue you if you'd just admit you need help."

"I don't need help" he argues and I stare at him in annoyance. He chuckles, sitting up and placing his hand on my thigh. "I just wanted to have it done for our little girl's big day and I didn't want to have to pay some guys to put it together for me."

"That's such a macho man response. Please just take the help. Farkle said he'd come out here."

"What about you?" he asks as a cheeky grin spreads across his lips. "I think it could be kinda fun seeing you in construction mode."

"Hm" I hum, standing up to brush off my shorts. "You see, I would but if I got hurt that wouldn't end well for the baby" I smirk and his mouth drops open. 

"Excuse me?"


"Maya oh my god" he exclaims, jumping up and throwing his arms around me. "How long were you planning on waiting to tell me?"

"Until after Scar's birthday."

"Evil" he scolds, pulling me in for a kiss. "I love you" he adds as we pull apart and I smile, caressing his cheek. 

"I love you too but I'm serious, you're not doing this alone. I'm sending Farkle out and when Luke gets here he'll be helping too. Understand?"

"Yes dear" he replies and I giggle, kissing him once more before walking back towards the house where Farkle is waiting in the doorway. 

"I gave you three months and you only took three minutes. I feel cheated."

"Sorry Farkley" I reply, kissing his cheek. "But hey, at least you're right. I just can't keep my hands off my husband" I smirk and he gags making me giggle as I walk into the house. 

"Mommy" Scarlett shouts, rushing towards me. "Come color with me and Smackle" she insists and I beam at my daughter as I allow her to pull me into the family room where Smackle was hanging out with all my kids. Noah was coloring beside her and Alex was stacking Legos nearby while the baby slept in the bassinet. 

At this point my house was sorta bursting at the seams but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way because I had somehow created all these amazing tiny humans with the love of my life and it was everything I thought it could be and more. 

A/N: This idea started as something totally different but I'm really happy with where it ended up because I feel like we never see Josh and Maya with more than a couple kids so this was kinda fun to write them with a huge family. I hope you all liked it and let me know if you want to read more of Joshaya with kids because it's something I sorta struggle with so it could be fun to challenge myself a little bit. 

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