The Long Walk ✅

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* Time Stamp: GM Tell Tale Tot *

~ 🌌🌉🌌 ~

Maya's POV

"I'm taking you home first" Josh announces looking at his niece in frustration. "Cory is going to kill me if he finds out you were out this late" he adds rubbing his neck giving away just how nervous he actually was.

"I'm sorry Uncle Josh" Riley apologizes.

We walk in silence side by side. Josh in the middle with Riley on his left and me on his right. I sneak glances at him trying to gauge his emotions but the only emotion he seemed to be displaying was annoyance.

We reach the Matthews' loft after about ten minutes. Josh makes sure that Riley gets up to the loft safely before returning to me to walk me home.

"Come on trouble maker" he grumbles, motioning for me to follow him.

"Josh, you don't even know where I live" I point out as I catch up with him. "Shouldn't I be the one telling you where to go?"

He pauses, seemingly growing even more irritated than before...which I didn't even think was possible. He huffs, looking around at the intersecting roads and looks back to me.

"Fine" he concedes. "Which way?"

"The left" I explain, pointing. We turn the correct direction and silence falls over us once again.

I look up at him sadly. Tonight was a mistake. I should've listened to Riley and just stayed home. What was I thinking anyway? Did I really think that me showing up there would change anything between us?

"I'm sorry Josh" I mumble looking back down at my feet.

"You don't have to apologize" he sighs causing me to look up at him in surprise. I was expecting him to just dismiss me again. He looks down at me and my heart skips a beat as our eyes lock. "But you have to realize the danger that you put yourself and Riley in tonight. You're young, beautiful girls at a college party. Alone. You're a prime target for any guy" he continues and for the first time the thought crosses my mind that he's not mad at all...he was worried about us...about me.

"Josh I know how to handle myself" I reply nonchalantly, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Oh my god Maya" Josh exclaims stopping as he stands in front of me. My eyes widen at his sudden outburst and close vicinity. "You don't get it. Not everyone in college is like my friends and I. There are people at those parties that will take advantage of young, impressionable girls. And if something ever happened to you" he trails off as he starts rubbing his neck again. He's nervous.

"Don't you mean Riley?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"Riley's automatically included" he says dismissively as he steps even closer to me. "I mean you" he confesses looking down at me as he closes the space between us.

"Josh" I whisper, looking up at him. My heart was beating out of my chest and I could barely breathe having him this close to me.

"You know Maya, you aren't so little anymore" he murmurs as he caresses my cheek gently. I inhale sharply and close my eyes as I attempt to regain my composure.

"Still too little to know my own feelings apparently" I shoot back, opening my eyes and staring at him coldly. I wasn't letting him off that easily for making me feel like an idiot earlier.

"You like me?" he asks, repeating the words I spoke to him earlier.

"It's not a crush" I insist while his thumb rubs softly against my cheek.

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