High on Love

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Maya's POV

"What's up weirdos?" I shout as I walk into the Matthews' loft one rainy summer afternoon. My mom was working and Shawn was out of town on some work assignment so I decided to wander over to Riley's.

"Josh got his wisdom teeth out" Riley laughs as she pours herself a glass of lemonade before doing the same for me. I wander into the dining room and take the glass before lifting it to my lips.

"Is he all hopped up on laughing gas?" I question amusedly.

"Mhm" Riley nods, "haven't you seen his snapchat today?" she questions. I shake my head and pull out my phone, opening my Snapchat and locating Josh's story.

There's three short videos, one of him playing with the iron filter and the other two are of the view out the window while he comments on the pretty green stuff.

"Oh my god" I laugh lightly as the front door opens revealing Cory and Josh.

"Gorgeous" he exclaims making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"Hey Josh" I wave as I take another refreshing sip of lemonade. "How are you?"

"Just peachy" he replies as his eyes widen. "Get it, because your peaches" he exclaims as I share an amused look with Riley.

"I get it" I confirm, trying to stifle my laughter. "Um Matthews how long is this gonna last?"

"The doctor said it sould wear off in the next few hours" he explains as Riley's phone rings.

"It's Lucas" she says, looking between me and her phone. "Would you be upset?" she trails off as I shake my head insistantly.

"Go talk to your boyfriend" I smile as her face lights up with happiness. Lucas was in Texas for the summer and Riley missed him terribl. It didn't bother me if she wanted to go talk to him for a while, I had Josh to entertain me.

"You thirsty?" he asks, pointing to my glass as he nearly misses the dining bench before righting himself and sitting down.

"It's quite hot out" I comment as he nods.

"Like you" he replies making my eyes widen at him in shock at his bold statement.

"Someone is really high right now" I laugh lightly as I sip my lemonade.

"High on you" he replies cheesily. "My love for you anyway" he adds making my eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"What?" I ask as Riley walks back in the room.

"So what'd I miss?"


I'm sitting on the bay window while Riley lies on her bed texting Huckleberry when Josh knocks on the open door of his niece's bedroom.

"Hey Maya" he says as his eyes lock on mine. "Can we talk for a sec?" he asks, obviously off his high from earlier.

"Mhm" I nod as I climb off the windowsill and follow Josh to the guest room he was staying in this summer. "What's up?" I question as I stand awkwardly in the center of his room.

"I know I said something to you" he sighs, rubbing his neck nervously.

I had been avoiding Josh since he let a certain four letter word slip out earlier, afraid to hear him deny it but also afraid to hear him admit it too. No matter what, life was about to be turned upside down. "Did you?" I ask playing dumb.

"Please tell me I did not let the most important phrase in the world slip out to you while I was high on laughing gas."

I bite my lip, thinking about lying but that would get us nowhere. "It wasn't really a phrase" I shrug. "More like you told me you were high on your love for me" I explain as his eyes widen in shock.

"Fuck" he mutters as he runs his hands over his face.

"It's okay if you didn't mean it" I say quickly even though the thought shattered my heart into a million pieces.

"Maya" he says softly as he steps towards me. "I love you" he says making my breath leave my lungs as I stare up into his stunning blue eyes.

"You do?"

"I planned on asking you out first before telling you that but apparently my drugged up self was sick of waiting" he laughs lightly as he takes another step towards me.

"So am I" I whisper as I close the distance between us, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, careful not to let it linger too long before pulling back. "I love you too."

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now