A Midnight Kiss

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Maya's POV

"It's not fair that I just turned seventeen and you're turning eighteen in two weeks" Riley complains from her spot on my bed. She's lying on her stomach, swinging her legs in air, scrolling through her socials while I scour my closet for something to wear tonight. It was the night of the annual Matthews' New Year's party and tonight Josh would be there.

"Riles I can't change your birthdate" I reply laughing as I continue to dig through my closet. Tonight had to be perfect, I would make Joshua Matthews kiss me at midnight.

"True" she adds laughing along with me as she sits up, staring at me with an amused look on her face. "Peaches you do realize my uncle already likes you, there's no reason to try so hard" she adds seriously.

"Yea well I'm not eighteen yet so if I want a kiss at midnight I have to look perfect" I reply making her roll her eyes playfully as my eyes land on a dark blue dress with an open back, paired with my blonde waves it would be absolute perfection. "And I think this is the dress" I smile as I pull it out of my closet, showing it to Riley.

"Wow" she exclaims, "it's beautiful Peaches" she adds, a smile pulling at her lips.

"Think Josh will like it?" I ask hopefully making my best friend laugh.

"He'll love it Maya. Now get dressed. We have a party to get to."


We get back to Riley's place before anyone gets there allowing my nerves to calm a bit. I try to distract myself by snacking on pretzels but it's hard to keep your mind occupied without something to hold your attention, Riley was busy flirting with Lucas, Zay was in Texas, and Farkle and Smackle were stealing kisses in the corner. Suddenly as I stick another pretzel in my mouth I feel a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn to face whoever wants my attention and all the breath leaves my lungs when I do.

"You grew up gorgeous" Josh compliments sweetly as his eyes scan my body, taking in every curve that was displayed by the tight fabric hugging my body.

"Thank you" I reply smiling brightly. "How are you?" I ask calmly, surprising myself that I haven't turned into an awkward mess at the mere sight of him. He still had perfectly shaggy brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and he was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a white button up. The button up making it hard not to notice his muscles underneath, from his biceps to the obvious six pack he was hiding.

"I'm good. School is out for a while so I've been working some hours down at my dad's shop. It's not much but it's cash" he replies as I nod in understanding. "What about you? How are you?"

"I'm good. School's good and I'll be eighteen in two weeks, so I'm pretty excited" I answer back as a smile pulls at Josh's lips.

"I love that you casually bring up your eighteenth birthday" he teases making a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"I'm not very good at being subtle" I reply as I avert my eyes to the ground, well I lasted a bit longer than normal, not embarrassing myself for almost a full minute.

"It's cute" he whispers as he lifts my chin to make me look at him. "But for the record I didn't forget" he adds as his thumb rubs my cheek softly.

"So that someday thing? You haven't like found someone else or something right?" I ask as a chuckle escapes his perfect lips, lips I've only dreamed of kissing.

"Someday is still very much in play Maya" he assures me making my heart skip in my chest. "I still really like you" he adds sweetly as the space between us suddenly starts to close.

"I like you too Josh" I smile as I finally allow myself to lock my hands behind his neck. "It's almost midnight" I whisper as I lock my eyes with his, drowning instantly.

"In 5" he whispers as everyone around us starts to countdown. "4" he continues as his face inches just a little closer, "3" he counts his voice low and controlled as his lips stay millimeters from mine.

"It's not our six weeks" I whisper on 2.

"I don't care" he whispers back on 1 and as everyone shouts Happy New Year I feel Josh's lips on mine. My eyes flutter shut as his soft, perfect lips move over mine gently. I thought he'd just go for a quick peck but it's been several seconds and his lips have yet to make any move to detach from mine. When I finally feel as if I can't breathe I break away from the kiss, finding a smiling Josh when I open my eyes. "Happy New Year Gorgeous" he smiles as his thumb continues to stroke my cheek.

"Happy New Year Joshua Matthews" I reply sweetly, knowing that this was the start of our someday and I couldn't wait to see what the new year brought for us.

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