Two Months and Counting

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Maya's POV

Two months ago my life was perfect.

Two months ago Josh and I had never done more than hold hands.

Two months ago Josh and I finally stopped pretending.

Two months ago I gave everything to the boy I love.

Two months ago we made a decision and now we would have to deal with the consequences.

~ 💛👶💙 ~

Being at the Matthews' house felt like being at a safe house.

When I was here there wasn't a part of me that worried if my mom would give me a second look and demand to know why my clothes were seemingly shrinking with every passing day.

I didn't have to worry about her asking why I've been sleeping more or why I've been getting so sick.

When I was here nobody questioned me. They may wonder and worry but they won't say anything. Not yet at least...but they might after today.

He just had to show up didn't he?

"Gorgeous" Josh greets me with a knowing smile as he approaches the dinner table.

Cory had gotten up to greet him and everyone was quick to express their own excitement over his return but not me. I was terrified. He wasn't supposed to be back for another month.

"Josh" I reply while my stomach somersaults. I didn't know if I should blame Josh's presence or the product of our night together that had been wrecking havoc on my body for weeks.

He eyes me suspiciously and I understand completely. The last time we were together we finally shared those three little words and had sex. We were better than we had ever been but now I'm shrugging him off.

He stares at me a second longer but decides to leave me be for the moment which was good because the last thing I wanted to discuss right now was our baby.

I force dinner down my throat and I'm the first one to leave the table. I walk up to Riley's room and collapse onto the bay window, taking a long, deep breath.

When did my life become such a mess?

"Maya" Topanga knocks. I don't respond but I hear the door opening and clicking shut before she takes a seat beside me. Silence hangs around us for a long moment before she speaks. "Have you told your mom?" she asks softly.

My eyes widen as I look at her. Her eyes are full of sorrow and I shake my head. "How-?"

"Honey I've known you for years and I've watched how you are with Josh. You've been sick, missing school, and now you're avoiding him" she explains and I realize that perhaps I wasn't doing a very good job in keeping this secret. "Sweetie how did this happen?"

I laugh, wiping at my eyes. "Topanga you know how it happened."

She rolls her eyes. "I mean protection Maya" she scolds. "What were you both thinking?"

I was thinking that I love him. I was thinking that I wanted him to be my first.

I was thinking with other anatomy that had nothing to do with my brain.

I wanted him and he wanted me. In the moment even stopping to make him put on a condom wasn't an option. We were both to riled up for our own good. Perhaps four years of pent up sexual frustration clouds your judgement.

"It just happened" I shrug. It seemed like an idiotic excuse and in all honesty it was one but it was the truth as ridiculous as it sounds and now-now my future was down the drain. "My god my life is over" I groan, dropping my head into my hands.

Topanga shakes her head. "Honey your life isn't over-."

"Yea? I'm going to be a mother at eighteen years old! And it's not like he'll stay" I cry. "I'm going to end up just like my mother."


"Pangers can you give us a minute?" Josh asks and my eyes snap up to meet his. How long was he standing there?

"Of course" she nods, standing up and leaving the room.

Josh closes the door but stays put standing in front of it with his arms crossed. "Say something" I beg. It was obvious that if he hadn't heard the whole thing he still got the jist.

"I can't. I'm afriad I'll yell at you."

I'm taken aback. "Yell at me? Excuse me but it takes two people to make a baby-."

"And you think that I would've had sex with you if I didn't know the risks" he exclaims. "Do you think I'm mad about the kid? Because I'm not" he says bluntly. "I'm scared as hell, I'm scared that I'm becoming a father well before I wanted to but what I'm pissed off about is that you think I'm going to leave you."

Oh. My damn insecurities were coming back with a vengeance.

"Josh" I whisper, standing up and walking towards him.

"No" he snaps, stepping back. "How long have you known?"

I shrug. "About a week."

"And when exactly were you planning on telling me?"

I sigh. "When you got home. I wanted you to finish the semester without worrying about this-."

"Our baby" he persists. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth and nod. "Maya I'm not your dad" he says softly, taking me by surprise.


"You didn't have to say it. I know you Maya. I know you and I love you. I will never leave you Maya" he says, stepping towards me.

I let out a deep breath as his arms wrap around me and let out a soft cry. "I'm sorry Josh."

He kisses the top of my head and rubs my back soothingly. "I understand why you didn't tell me" he whispers. "But we're in this together Maya. You can trust me."

I look up at him and reach up to press my lips to his. "I love you Josh" I murmur.

"I love you too Maya" he agrees softly. "And we're gonna get through this."

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