The Thing About Sprite

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A Continuation of A Birthday Tradition

Josh's POV

"Babe, have you seen the diaper bag?" Maya asks, rifling though the boxes surrounding us.

It had been exactly one year since Maya and I were lying in this apartment and she told me the news that would change our lives forever.

For the next few months we spent all our free time preparing for our baby's arrival as best as we could in an apartment with no walls and honestly, we'd made it work. But, it was finally time to move on. My lease was up and we were on the move to a small home with two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms.

It would be paradise compared to the place we lived in now. "Um." I turn around to check the boxes in my near vicinity while Emma wails in Maya's arms. Finally, I spot it tucked away in the corner and pick it up in triumph. "Found it."

Maya breathes out a sigh of relief, hoisting it over her shoulder. "Thank god" she exhales. "Now, we just have to somehow make it your parents' house in fifteen minutes. It's doable, totally doable" she mutters and I smile.

Maya was always nervous around my parents, thinking that they somehow thought less of her because of her background.

Unlike me, Maya's growing up wasn't comfortable at all. It was spent in a rundown apartment with her mom who had to work so much to support Maya that she never had time to see her. And when Maya wound up pregnant just a year into our relationship my parents were admittedly a little disappointed but not because it was Maya carrying my child but because I evidently slept through one too many health classes.

"They won't care if we're late. They'll be fine." I knew this for a fact considering the fact that the dinner was my idea.

I was proposing to Maya tonight. My parents and hers already knew and were awaiting our arrival impatiently. My mom had already texted me three times to make sure I remembered the ring.

"Okay. You ready Emmy?" She coos in her adorable baby voice. Meeting Maya, you'd never expect her to be the sweetheart that she is and she spent years crafting that perfectly hard shell around herself. Luckily, she let me break through the walls around her by unexpectedly asking me out for drinks two years ago

Saying yes was the best decision I've ever made.

The three of us head down to the car and I opt to get Emma strapped into her car seat to let Maya enjoy the heat. She wasn't as warm-blooded as me, she would start shivering after about three seconds outside.

Once Emma is settled, I come around to the driver's seat and hop in, turning the heat up a few degrees. "Cold?" Maya teases, knowing I'll never admit it.

"Of course not." She laughs as we set off. My hands rests on her thigh throughout the drive, tracing circles against the material of her jeans.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks as we come to a stop at a red light.

"Sure" I reply, glancing over at her. "What's on your mind?"

She purses her lips. "Have you thought about having another baby?" She asks. My eyes widen, certainly not expecting that.

"I mean, yea. I love you and if you want more kids-."

"I do" she interjects. "And actually-." Her words are cut off my Emma's shrieks from the backseat and my girlfriend sighs as she turns around to attempt to calm her while I pull back out into traffic.

Unfortunately, we don't get to finish our discussion because we pull up to my parents' house and since we're already late we rush inside.

"Happy birthday" my family exclaims when we walk in causing Emma to make even more of a fuss; she wasn't a fan of loud noises.

"I'll be right back" Maya tells me, sighing deeply as she cradles our daughter against her chest and walks out of the room. I watch her go, still wondering what she had to tell me in the car.

The idea of babies was never something we discussed so the fact that had brought it up so suddenly had my mind reeling.

"So, you excited?" My brother asks, nudging my shoulder. I look over at Eric and force a smile onto my face. Of course I was excited but now I felt like I needed to ask her before she announced something.

"Yea" I nod, my head in the other room with my girl. "I just need a minute."

"Sweetheart" my mom says, attempting to stop me from walking out of the room. I can feel everyone's gaze on me thinking that there's something serious going on with my and Maya but I can't bring myself to care.

I need to talk to her.

I walk down the short hallway and knock on the bathroom door. "Occupied." I smile hearing my girlfriend's voice.

I pat my jeans' pocket to make sure the ring is still there before knocking again. "Babe. It's me."

The door opens a few seconds later and Maya stands there with Emma in her arms. I smile noting that she's almost gotten her to sleep. "Hey. What's up?"

"Are you pregnant?" I ask in a rush. I have to know.

Her eyes widen. "I-how?'

"We suck at planning these things don't we?" She chuckles, looking down at Emma asleep in her arms.

"Are you mad?" She asks, looking back at me. "I mean, we just bought a house big enough for the three of us-."

"Ems won't mind sharing a room."

She smiles softly, letting a chuckle tumble from her lips. "I'm sorry that I ruined another birthday."

I look over my shoulder. Just around the corner my entire family was waiting for us to emerge and for me to ask Maya this big question in front of everyone but now that seemed wrong.

This was about us. "It's not ruined" I reply softly, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips. When we pull away I don't hesitate to get down onto one knee, grabbing the ring from my pocket.

Maya's hand flies to her face as a gasp tumbles out. "Josh" she giggles, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Maya, you are the mother of my children, the keeper of my heart and the love of my life. I cannot imagine spending a single day without you. Marry me."

She nods her head, crying freely as she keeps her hand pressed to her mouth. "Is that a yes?" I ask.

She finally moves her hand and speaks. "Yes. Absolutely yes" she agrees and holding out her hand shakily, she watches me slide the simple diamond onto her finger.

"A perfect fit" I comment, standing up and taking her face between my hands. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too" she replies, pecking my lips before pulling back to marvel at the ring. "Was this your plan all along? Or do you just carry diamonds in your pocket to propose with when you find out you're having another baby out of wedlock?"

I laugh, shaking my head at her in amusement. "Maya, I've wanted to marry you since that night in that goddamn bar. I just had to wait for the right moment."

"And standing in front of your childhood bathroom was the right moment?"

"Don't be a smartass" I scold making her giggle. "Now come on, are you hungry? Thirsty?"

She looks off into the distance thoughtfully as I throw my arm across her shoulders and lead her back to the party. "I could go for a Sprite" she smirks, reminiscent and I smile.

"Thank god you asked me out for that drink" I murmur, forever thankful for my boss who wouldn't let me have the day off and those idiot boys who led me to have an outburst in the middle of Olive Garden. Without them I'd have nothing, no Maya, no Emma and certainly no birthday drink tradition.

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