After All These Years

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*Inspired by: All These Years by Camila Cabello*

~ 🎵🎶🎵 ~

Maya's POV

"Your hair's grown a little longer, your arms look a little stronger, your eyes just as I remember, your smile's just a little softer"

My breath hitches in my throat when I see him. After all these years not much has changed, his hair is longer and his arms have seemingly benefited from countless workouts but when he turns and our eyes lock memories of our past flood my mind.

I try to turn around and shield my eyes but he's caught me. "Maya?"

I force a smile as he approaches me. "Josh" I breathe out, his name foreign on my lips after all these years.

"You look great" he compliments, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Yea so do-uh so do you" I stutter.

He chuckles, his lips quirking into a soft smile. "Still nervous around me?" he teases.

I shake my head. "No why would you say that?" I question, running my fingers through my hair.

He laughs but his phone rings, interrupting our moment. He sighs, digging into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone. "Sorry Maya. I uh-I gotta take this" he apologizes, stepping away from me to answer the call.

"Couldn't help but overhear you, sounds like you're happy with her"

"Hey subshine" he answers. I clench my eyes shut, attemting to shield myself from the pain tearing at my heart. "Yea I just ran into an old friend. I'll be there soon." He pauses, his lips quirking into that adorable grin again only this time it's not meant for me. It's meant for her. "I love you too. See you soon" he finishes the call.

I take a deep breath, reopening my eyes and locking my gaze onto his. "You sound happy."

He pockets his phone, nodding his head discreetly. I nod along in understanding. "That's great Josh."

"Yea well uh, I should go. I'll see you around Maya."

"Bye Josh" I reply softly, fighting tears as he walks away.

"It was just a quick hello and you had and you probably will never know you're the one I'm after all these years"

You'd think that after three years I'd be over him but it was seemingly impossible. I loved him.

I still remember the way I fell to the ground in tears after I told him to go.

He had a great job lined up upstate but I had to stay in the city. It's where my life was. He told me he'd stay but I couldn't bear to be resented. I went my whole life as the girl her father never wanted, I couldn't turn into the girl that the boy resented for ruining his future.

I move towards my car, unlocking the door and climbing inside, taking a deep breath and resting my forehead against the steering wheel.

After all these years it was still him. It was always going to be him. He was Josh and I was Maya. To me we would always be meant to be.

I raise my head, turning the key in the ignition but when I see Josh standing in front of my car my lips part in shock.

I turn off the car and climb out, closing the door behind myself. "Josh what are you doing?" I ask, walking towards him but he doesn't respond with words instead he grabs me by the waist and crashes his lips onto mine.

I gasp, opening my mouth to him while looping my arms around his neck. He kisses me passionately, the way he used to kiss me when we were alone in his dorm room. My body ignites but I know I have to pull back. He has a girlfriend.

"Josh" I murmur, pulling back. "What are you doing?"

"I lied" he replies making me furrow my eyebrows.


"I was talking to Riles. I knew if I told her I was with you she'd hijack my phone call and when you thought it was some girl I just-."

"You lied? Why would you lie?"

"Because loosing you hurt like hell and I never want to feel that way again."

"So you're not with anyone else?"

"No. I haven't been able to go near another girl in three years. Maya I miss you."

My head is spinning and I feel like I have to be dreaming but one look in his eyes and I know this is real. "I miss you too" I admit softly.

His lips quirk into a smile as he pulls me towards him, caressing my cheek. "I just moved back."

"You did?"

"Mhm" he hums. "So maybe we could do dinner sometime."

"I'd love to" I reply happily.

"Good. It's a date" he smiles making my heart flutter.

After all these years I was finally getting my second chance and I was not going to waste it.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now