Getting Attention

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Josh's POV

"Alright I'm heading out" I say to Andrew as I grab my bag of laundry from the floor and hoist it over my shoulder. "I'll see you later man."

"Yea, yea" he waves me off. "Have fun at your brother's" he adds. I nod and head out of the room, making my way towards my car. I throw my stuff into the passenger seat and climb in and head off towards Cory's place. I make it there in about ten minutes, putting the car in park and grabbing my stuff before walking inside.

"Hey family" I exclaim as I pull open the door but there's no one responds. "Um guys" I question as I walk further into the room, dropping my bag to the floor.

"What are you doing here?" a soft voice asks me. A voice that sends fire through my veins. Maya's voice. I flick my eyes up to meet her's and my breath catches in my throat. She was dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and a dark blue sports bra, her hair swinging in a tight ponytail.

"Um" I stutter, staring at the gorgeous blonde.

"Cat got your tongue" she smirks, heading to the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.

I rub my neck and chuckle before composing myself. "So um, what are you doing here?" I ask. She shrugs, taking a swig of her water.

"Cory and Topanga are picking Aug up from summer school and Riley is at Huckleberry's. I was bored and Riley has cable." I laugh, shaking my head in amusement. "What about you? What brings you here?"

"Laundry" I reply while she brushes past me to go and take a seat on the couch. I watch her strut past me, allowing myself to escape into my thoughts. All of them beginning and ending with Maya in her skimpy outfit. Or out of it. "Why are you wearing practically nothing?" I ask abruptly causing a smirk to pull at her lips.

"The air conditioning is busted" she replies as if this should be obvious. "It's scorching hot in here how did you not notice?" she questions as she picks up a magazine off the coffee table and begins to fan herself for emphasis.

"I'm apparently distracted" I chuckle making a blush fall on her cheeks. "How are you gorgeous?" I ask curiously as I move to sit on the arm of the couch. "You excited for school this fall?"

"I guess" she shrugs. "Why are you still in town anyway?" she questions, looking at me intrigued.

"Summer classes" I reply, fighting the constant train of dirty thoughts that were running rampant in my head. She was eighteen now so it wasn't the biggest deal that I was attracted to her but I didn't want to make my attraction too obvious.

"Well lucky me I guess" she smiles.

"Guess so" I reply excitedly. "You got yourself a boyfriend yet?" I ask curiously. She shakes her head making my heart skip a beat.

"Nope" she smiles, "there was this deal I made with this really amazing guy a few years ago. I promised him I'd live my life and that I'd let him live his life but if in the end" she trails off.

"We end up together it's beautiful" I finish, scooting towards her.

"Gorgeous even" she breathes out making me chuckle as I close the distance between us, grabbing her waist and holding her against me.

"The air conditioning isn't busted" I whisper causing her to blush as she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.

"No it's not" she replies softly. "Riles told me you were coming over while they were all gonna be out" she admits making me laugh.

"So you thought I'd only talk to you if you dressed in basically nothing."

"I figured the chances would increase" she states making me frown as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"You don't have to dress like this to get my attention Maya, you've held it for four years without a problem" I admit making a smile pull at her lips. I lean forward and press a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back to see her smiling. "Was that worth making you wait four years?" I ask as a giggle bubbles out her.

"Completely" she smiles happily, wrapping her arms around my neck. "I'm glad you're here for the summer."

"Me too Maya" I reply before leaning back in for another kiss.

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