The Mature Matthews

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Josh's POV

When I told my parents I wanted to spend my summer vacation in New York with my brother they all knew who I really wanted to spend my summer with.

It was the second week of May and school for me had let out last Friday while Maya was still in school for another month leaving me to spend my days alone in the guest bedroom while I waited for Maya to come over.

"Hey stranger" she knocks and I break out of my thoughts and turn to look at my clock. I hadn't even realized it was after three.

"Hey gorgeous" I greet her as she closes my bedroom door behind her and walks towards me. "How was school?"

"Boring as per usual. I missed you" she adds as she takes a seat on my bed.

"I missed you too" I reply, taking her hand and pulling her onto my lap. "Want me to prove it?"

Her lips quirk into a grin as her arms lock around my neck. "How would you ever do that Boing?"

I shrug. "I can think of a few ways."

Her face brightens even more as I lean forward, capturing her lips with my own. The kiss starts off innocent but in time my tongue is slipping inside her mouth and her stifled moans fill my ears.

My hands slip under her shirt and in turn she pulls away and yanks it over her head, tossing it onto the ground.

My eyes take in the sight of her modest chest pushed up in a black lace push up bra and I shake my head as I look up at her. "Trying to show off?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow and she laughs.

"No. I would just like to give off the illusion that I actually have boobs."

I roll my eyes. "Babe you're perfect. Stop worrying so much" I insist as I wrap my arms around her, resting them on the small of her back.

"You have to say that" she replies as she grabs the hem of my shirt. "You're my boyfriend" she adds with a bright smile before removing my shirt.

"Well babe it would probably be a little inappropriate for me to comment on your boobs if I weren't your boyfriend" I point out and she chuckles, nodding her concession.

"Point taken" she murmurs before leaning back down and pressing her lips to mine once more.

As our kiss deepens she begins rocking her hips against me just slightly enough to rile me up. "Maya" I whisper as we pull apart.

"What?" she asks breathlessly.

It wasn't that we hadn't done this before it was just that we usually didn't have an audience within hearing distance.

"It's just-we usually do this in an empty house not one filled to the brim with my family members."

She rolls her eyes as she tugs at the waistband of my sweatpants. "Just be quiet" she insists but before she can even lower my pants my door swings open.

"Josh, Shawn is here to pick up M-." Cory says before finally looking up and finding our compromising position. "What's going on here?"

"Um" I stutter while Maya quickly reaches for her top, scrambling off my lap but unfortunately that leaves my arousal exposed. I grab a pillow and place it over myself, shrugging my shoulders. "We were just hanging out."

"Uh huh. Maya leave us and tell your father to join us."

She shares a panicked look with me and my heart jumps into my throat.

Worst part about dating Maya? Her two fathers. I was so dead.

Maya leaves the room and I recieve the death glare until Shawn walks in. "Close the door" Cory instructs.

"Is something wrong?" Shawn asks as he looks at me worriedly.

"Josh and Maya were just in here doing things" he says suggestively making me roll my eyes. Leave it to my older brother to not be able to say me and Maya were on the verge of having sex.

"Things?" Shawn asks as his eyes bug out of his head. "Do you have a death wish?" he exclaims and I throw my hands up. It honestly was the only explanation for trying to have sex while people were home.

"Aparrently" I exclaim in frustration. All I wanted was to go back to a few minutes ago when Maya was still in my bed. "But in our defense we're both adults and we can do whatever we want."

Shawn looks on the verge of murder while Cory seems to be searching for the correct response to my statement.

"How long has this been going on?" Shawn demands abruptly but I shake my head.

"Shawn all due respect but I really don't think you'd like to know the exact date I took your daughter's virtue."

His nose scrunches at my wording and I realize at this moment I may be the most mature person in this room.

Shawn sighs, seemingly sensing that he's losing this argument to me. "If she winds up pregnant-."

"She's not gonna get pregnant" I insist. "I had sex education class. We use condoms and Maya said that Katy took her to the doctor a few weeks ago to get on the pill" I explain.

Shawn's eyes bug out of his head and I immediately regret my decision in telling him that little tidbit of information.

"She did what?" Shawn shouts and I wince.

"Guess you didn't know that" I reply awkwardly. "Look, I appreciate you both coming in here in an attempt to intimidate me into not having sex again but I love Maya and as long as we're being careful there's nothing wrong with what we do."

"She's my daughter" Shawn argues and I chuckle.

"Katy is someone's daughter too, so is Topanga. Every girl has a father who someday has to realize that their little girl isn't little anymore. She's an adult and she can make her own decisions, including choosing to sleep with me."

Cory and Shawn share a look and I sit there preparing for them to blow up at me finally but instead Cory chuckles. "How did he wind up the mature one?"

"One of you Matthews had to" Shawn replies simply. He turns back towards me and his gaze is unwavering as it lands on me. "You have my permission to keep seeing Maya but if you hurt her-."

"Never gonna happen Shawn" I assure him.

At this they both seem to admit defeat and begin to retreat. As soon as my door is shut I release a sigh of relief and moments later my phone rings on my nightstand.

GORGEOUS 💛: Are you alive?

JOSH: In perfect health sweetheart. How about you?

GORGEOUS 💛: If I stop texting you back at any point in the evening call 911

I chuckle, shaking my head in amusement.

JOSH: Will do but what ever will we talk about all night?

GORGEOUS 💛: Hmmm did you hear I may be moving into an apartment in the summer??

My heart skips a beat. Maya and I alone in an apartment. That idea had honestly never sounded better.

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