A Trip Upstate

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Maya's POV

It's the first weekend of January and for some weird reason we all thought it would be fun to go with Shawn on his trip upstate. Luckily we were staying in a cabin for the few days we were gone, not so luckily, the heat was broken, it was probably the thing I was least excited about.

I'm standing against Josh's truck waiting for him and Riley. "I'm riding with Uncle Shawn" Riley states decisively as her and her uncle walk up to me.

"Riley, stop being so complicated. Maya can ride with Shawn and you can ride with me" Josh states causing me to roll my eyes as I watch the two of them argue.

"Is anyone going to ask for my input?" I ask annoyed looking between the two of them.

"What do you want to do Hart?" Josh asks seriously as he turns his attention on me.

"I'll ride with you its fine, just let Riles ride with Shawn" I say giving in to my best friend.

"Fine" Josh says annoyed as he walks over to his side of the truck before climbing in.

"Have fun" Riley shouts as she walks toward Shawn's car that was filled with all of our stuff. I climb in the truck and automatically crank the heat.

"Maya, what the hell are you doing?" Josh asks laughing as we leave for Shawn's cabin.

"It's freezing Boing" I complain making him shake his head as he laughs at me. "Can I turn on the radio?" I ask questioningly.

"Sure" he answers, "but please no pop, my head can't take that." I turn on the radio and scan the stations before settling on a station that was playing country music. "I didn't know you listened to country" he says smiling at me.

"I listen to everything" I respond matching his smile.

"Huh, what else don't I know about the mysterious Maya Hart?" Josh asks looking over at me at a red light.

"How much time you got?"


We get to the cabin in record time, beating Shawn and Riley by a long shot. Josh uses the key Shawn loaned him and lets us in. It's pretty cold inside but it's better than outdoors. I walk past the kitchen and the living room and head toward the bedrooms.

There's only two.

"I take it, its girls and boys" I guess as I stand in the doorway of the room on the right side of the hallway.

"I'm sure" Josh laughs.

"Well this is no fun" I complain earning another laugh from Josh. I smile watching him laugh, the two of us had talked the entire drive up here and to be honest I was glad Shawn and Riley were running late. I liked having Josh to myself.

We leave the bedrooms and make our way to living room turning on bad reality TV while we wait for Riley and Shawn to arrive, but after an hour I start to panic.

"Josh where are they?" I ask pacing the floor as I stare at my phone.

"I don't know Maya. I'm sure they'll call when they can" he says as I look out the window. There were blizzard like conditions, it could be hours before we could to able to get a signal. What if something happened to them?

"You know what, I think I'm gonna go lie down" I say as I walk down the hallway into Riley and I's room. I lie on the bed under the covers but I can't get warm or comfortable. I hear a knock on the door. "Come in" I say quietly as tears start running down my face.

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