Can't Sleep

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Maya's POV

It's my senior year of high school, the night before my graduation. I'm staying at Riley's house for one last sleepover before everything changes but I'm having a hard time actually falling asleep. Tomorrow everything was going to change. High school was really going to be over.

"Riley" I whisper trying to wake up my best friend. "Riley Matthews" I whisper yell but still nothing. I roll my eyes and pull back the covers climbing out of bed. I open the door and start walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water when I'm stopped in my tracks by a voice.
A voice that belonged to none other than Joshua Gabriel Matthews. He was in town for graduation and he seemed to be talking to someone.

"I can't Cor" he says and I hear Mr. Matthews sigh deeply.

"Josh it's not fair" he says and even though I know I should walk away I can't bring myself to move.

"It's not fair to tell her either" Josh says frustrated. Her. Who was she? I was eighteen and Josh never made a move to start someday. Maybe this was why. He had moved on. Maybe the her was me and he couldn't bring himself to break my heart.

"Josh she's an adult. You have to give her a chance to make her own decision."

"It's selfish Cor. Tomorrow is the start of the rest of her life. What am I supposed to do? Ask her to choose NYU so that we can be together?" Suddenly I feel as if the wind has been knocked out of me. He couldn't possibly be talking about me.

"Do you love her?" Cory asks and suddenly I feel as if my future hinges on this answer.

"Yes" Josh says making me gasp loudly. Suddenly Josh turns around amd locks eyes with me looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Maya" Josh says worriedly.

"I'll give you both a minute" Cory says getting up and walking to his bedroom.

"Maya I can explain" Josh says walking towards me.

"Are you talking about me? Do you love me?" I ask cutting right to the chase.

"Yes" he admits causing my breath to catch in my throat.

"How long?" I ask seriously.

"I don't know. A while. I didn't want to tell you until you chose NYU on your own."

"And if I chose somewhere else?"

"I would've let you go" he says sadly as tears fill my eyes.

"Well that's extremely stupid" I cry trying to wipe away my tears as they fall.

"I can't hold you back" Josh cries looking at me sweetly.

"You're not. Josh. It was never a question. I was always going to NYU. I only applied to other places as a back up plan."

"What?" Josh asks confused causing me to laugh.

"You're so stupid Boing" I laugh.

"You make me stupid Maya. You always have."

"Ha. Right. Because I'm so good at keeping my cool around you. Cavemen. Hold hands."

"You were cute. Still are" Josh says closing the distance between us. "So" Josh says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "You're staying in New York."

"Yep. What are you gonna do about that Boing?" I ask teasingly.

"Something I should've done a long time ago" he says as he leans in to kiss me. As our lips meet butterflies fill my stomach and a smile forms on my lips. Kissing Josh was everything I ever thought it could be. We break apart and Josh leans his forehead against mine.

"That was well worth the wait" I laugh looking up at him.

"We're never waiting that long ever again" he says defiantly.

"Good because it's already been too long" I say as I pull his lips back to mine allowing him to deepen the kiss as I wrap my arms around his neck. After a few seconds we pull apart and Josh takes a step back from me.

"You should get some sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

"I'll go to sleep on one condition" I say looking at Josh.


"You're not taking this back in the morning. This actually happened and it means something" I say seriously.

"Of course it happened and meant something Maya. I'm done hiding. I love you."

"I love you too" I say quietly making Josh's eyes go wide. "I'm not lyimg either. I really do love you Josh. Always have" I laugh.

"I love you too. Now go get some sleep gorgeous" Josh says smiling sweetly at me.

"Okay" I say as I start to turn the corner but I stop suddenly. "Hey Josh."

"Yea?" he asks turning around to face me.

"Are you? Does this make you my?" I ask but I'm unsure of how to ask my question.

"Maya would you like to be my girlfriend?" Josh asks smiling at me.

"Yes" I say happily. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

"Then yes I am your boyfriend now will you please go to bed. If Cory and Topanga wake up tomorrow morning and they realize I kept you up all night they're gonna kill me."

"Okay boyfriend. I'll go to bed" I say happily. "Goodnight Josh."

"Goodnight Maya." I walk upstairs unable to wipe the grin off my face and for once in my life I'm thankful that I couldn't sleep.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now