The Letter

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*Inspired By: Speak Now by Taylor Swift*


Maya's POV

"It seems I was uninvited by your lovely bride to be"

"Are you okay?" Riley asks as I look at the invitation on Riley's fridge in the small apartment she shared with Lucas. It was for Josh and Sophie's wedding, I didn't get one.

"Of course I'm okay" I shrug. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask nonchalantly as Riley comes to stand beside me.

"Um because he called off someday to marry a girl who had the same three year age gap problem that you had" she says bluntly making me look at her annoyed.

"Thanks Riles" I reply annoyed as I take a sip of the wine cooler in my hand. "So are you and Ranger Rick going?" I ask curiously.

"Of course, he is still my uncle" she replies as I nod in understanding. "Of course I wouldn't be upset if you crashed" she adds with a smirk, taking a sip of the water in her hand, despite this being a birthday party for my best friend she had recently found out that she and Lucas were expecting so alcohol was off limits.

"I could never. If he's happy then I guess I am too" I shrug though I didn't believe a word.

"I can't believe he didn't invite you" she says seriously as I bite my lip, looking over my shoulder at Josh sitting next to Auggie.

"I can't either" I sigh.

"I am not the type of girl who should be rudely barging in on a white veiled occasion"

How did Riley talk me into this? This is so beyond wrong, I should not be here. Josh clearly didn't want me here so what the hell was I doing here?

I walk in a few steps behind Riley and Lucas, glancing around and seeing Cory walk out of a room that I presume Josh is in. I don't know what happens, it's as if someone takes over my feet and suddenly I'm walking towards the room. I walk in finding Josh pacing the room.

"You nervous?" I ask curiously as I close the door behind me, catching the brunette's attention as his eyes flick up to meet mine.

"Maya" he smiles. "You look gorgeous" he says sweetly as his eyes travel down my small figure. I was wearing a red dress that stopped at my knees, it had a sweetheart neckline and I wore my locket I had gotten for my fourteenth birthday along with it.

"Thanks. So? You okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Better now that you're here. I was kinda nervous about inviting you, considering our history but I'm glad you decided to come" he says sweetly making me confused.

"Josh what are you talking about? Riley convinced me to crash, I never got an invitation" I say seriously as he furrows his eyebrows, looking at me intently.

"Yes you did. Sophie told me she" he trails off as I laugh. "She never sent it" he says as I nod. "For the record I want you here" he adds sweetly as Cory pops his head in the door.

"Maya you need to get to your seat" he says seriously.

"Right um, here" I say simply as I hand Josh a letter I had written him. "Good luck" I add with a smile as I walk out of the room.

"When they said speak now"

I'm sitting in my seat, my eyes glued on Josh as the procession starts and soon enough it's Sophie's turn. I know you're supposed to watch the bride since this is her day after all but I couldn't tear my eyes away from Josh and oddly enough it seemed that he couldn't keep his eyes from roaming back to me.

As Sophie reaches Josh he takes her hand but he seems to be shaking. I hear people around me whispering that it's so cute that he's nervous but I know Josh. This is my Josh, he's not nervous, he's terrified.

"Please be seated" the preacher says happily as we all do what he says. I watch Josh's eyes flit over to mine again, this time I take my chances with getting caught talking to him.

"Are you okay?" I mouth as he shakes his head no, it's slight and everyone else would mistake it as a nervous tick but I saw it and suddenly I feel like I can't breathe. Did he really read my letter? Did he feel the same way?

The preacher goes on and on, I watch Riley lean her head on Lucas' shoulder as a smile spreads across her face. She looks calm, I'm jealous because right now my heart is beating out of my chest. Finally the preacher speaks the words that my future hinges on, "If anyone has any reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold you peace" he says, a smile on his face. I grip the pew in front of me, ready to stand up but I hear Josh's voice and I freeze.

"I can't do this" he says simply as he looks at Sophie seriously.

"What are you talking about?" she asks confused.

"I. I'm in love with someone else" he says as everyone gasps, Riley looks over at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry" he adds quickly as he drops her hands, running out of the church.

"Don't say yes run away now"

I should care that everyone is going to know I'm the reason Josh just walked out of his own wedding but I don't. I care about one thing, Josh. I bolt out of the pew following after him, hearing chatter all around me as I rush out of the church, finding him standing at the bottom of the steps.

"You are insane" I laugh as I take the steps two at a time, running towards him, my dress and blonde hair flowing behind me.

"Why the hell didn't you say something?" he asks as he flashes the letter in front of my face.

"You were happy" I exclaim.

"I was settling" he shouts back. "You were with Zay" he starts but I shake my head.

"He's in Texas, we broke up" I say seriously. "I was settling, I couldn't do that to him, I cared way too much."

"So you wait till my wedding day" he exclaims as I shrug.

"I didn't know if I was even gonna give that to you" I reply seriously. "I'm kinda glad I did though" I add with a smile.

"Me too" he admits as he suddenly grabs my waist, closing the distance between us as his lips crash onto mine.

"So did you like the letter?" I smirk as we pull apart, his forehead resting against mine.

"It was very simple which was good since I had to read it on my way to the altar" he laughs as he opens it again. "Dear Boing" he starts with a laugh, "I'm in love with you. Don't say yes, run away now. Love Gorgeous" he finishes as a smile pulls at his lips.

"I love you" I admit out loud, instead of on paper as I lock my blue eyes on his.

"I love you too" he replies as he leans back down to kiss me. "So we running away or what?" he teases as he takes my hand in his.

"After you."

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