Distract Me

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*Inspired By: Distraction by Jack & Jack*


Josh's POV

I'm sitting in my dorm on Friday night working on homework as per usual when I hear a knock on my door. I glance at the clock and notice it's past ten which means it could only be one person. My heart drops and soars simultaneously. I jump out of my seat and rush to the door, pulling it open and finding Maya on the other side.

"Hey" I say softly as I stare down at the fragile girl in front of me. Things between us had become beyond complicated since she got a boyfriend a few months back but she was still in high school so I didn't really get much say in the matter.

Except when he started cheating on her.

"Hi" she replies as she steps inside. "Whatcha doing?" she asks curiously, looking at my desk as she makes her way over to my bed.

"Homework" I shrug, "what's up gorgeous?" I ask worriedly as I sit across from her.

"I was lonely" she shrugs, "he went to a party" she explains.

"You think she's there?" I ask carefully as she nods. Maya wanted to end things with the jerk but she was terrified, the guy had a reputation that no one wanted to test. "You wanna stay here tonight?" I ask curiously as she nods again, tears rimming her eyes.

I pull her into my arms and clutch her to my chest, letting her cry. It was something I knew she hated doing and it was something I knew she only did in front of me. I was her safe haven and I didn't mind one bit. "It's gonna be okay" I assure her while rubbing her back soothingly.

After a few minutes she calms down and pulls away from me. A silence falls around us that's broken by her soft voice. "Distract me" she begs making my eyes widen in shock.

"Distract you?"

"Please" she begs, bringing her hand up to wrap around my neck, tugging on my hair. I try to talk myself out of acting on my urges but I can't help myself. I lean forward and lock my lips on her's. She responds immediately, deepening the kiss and moving to rest in my lap.

"Maya" I say softly as I pull back from her, "slow down baby."

"No" she whines, "I need to get lost in you" she says softly. My body and my head react quite differently from the words spilling from her lips. My body already waking up and reacting to the gorgeous girl on top of me while my head is screaming at me to stop this.

"Fucking me isn't gonna solve your problems with Blake" I argue.

"I graduate in a month, we'll go separate ways and I'll be free of him" she says matter of factly. "Josh please" she begs, my resolve quickly crumbling at my feet as I stare into her stunning blue eyes. "I love you" she whispers.

That breaks me. I lean forward and kiss her, pulling her body to mine. She wraps her arms back around me while my hands rest on her hips, we come apart breathing heavily and I smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you too" I whisper before going back for another kiss.

Maya was all I needed. I knew that we would figure out this mess together. I loved her and as long as I knew she was safe here in my arms I would be her distraction for as long as she needed.  

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